Tarsho is a dynamic web and mobile application that fosters a thriving marketplace for entrepreneurs and small businesses to offer their diverse services. It's a platform where anyone, from independent contractors to budding entrepreneurs, can list their services, opening doors to new opportunities and clientele. For clients, Tarsho offers a chance to support local businesses and find unique services tailored to their needs. With its intuitive design and user-friendly interface, Tarsho is revolutionizing the way businesses and clients connect, turning unique visions into vibrant realities.
Entrepreneurial Launchpad: Tarsho provides an ideal starting point for entrepreneurs and small businesses to showcase their services and grow their client base.
Diverse Service Listings: From professional services like HVAC and electrical work to unique local offerings, Tarsho accommodates a wide range of entrepreneurial ventures.
Local Business Support: A powerful tool for clients to discover and support small, local businesses, contributing to community growth.
Proximity-Based Discovery: Advanced search functionality allows clients to easily find and connect with nearby service providers.
Seamless User Experience: The platform is designed for effortless navigation, ensuring smooth interactions between businesses and clients.
Tarsho employs a range of modern technologies:
- Mobile: Built with React Native for a seamless Android and iOS app experience.
- Web: Developed using React, ensuring a dynamic and responsive web platform.
- Backend: Engineered with Node.js and Express.js for robust server-side performance.
- Database: Uses MongoDB for scalable and flexible data management.
- Location Services: Integrated with Google Maps API for precise geolocation features.
- Authentication: Secured with Firebase Authentication.
- Cloud & Hosting: Deployment strategy TBD.
- CI/CD: Utilizes GitHub Actions for continuous integration and deployment.
- Version Control: Managed with Git, hosted on GitHub.
- js -Download & Install
- Docker -Download & Install
This method sets up the backend, frontend, and database together.
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/AhmedRaisi/tarsho.git
Build Docker containers:
npm run build
Start Docker containers without building:
npm run up
Access the project at http://localhost:4000.
Some Useful commands:
Restart Docker containers:
npm run restart
Stop Docker containers:
npm run down
Start Docker containers in detached mode (running in the background):
docker-compose up -d
Start Docker containers and build them if necessary:
docker-compose up --build
Build Docker containers without cache:
docker-compose build --no-cache
Access the project at http://localhost:4000.
For frontend React development (Recommended for WSL2 users):
Navigate to the web directory and install dependencies:
cd web
npm install
Run the React application:
npm start
Contributions are welcome! Please read ourContributing Guide for details on the code of conduct and the process for submitting pull requests.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see theLICENSE file for details.