- Andrew McLaughlin
- Mohamed Irfhan Varvani
- Tran Thuy Van Phan
This is the repository for Monash University Bootcamp Project 3 (Group 10). The goal of this Project is to tell a story using data visualisations with interactivity allowing users to explore the data on their own.
TO ACCESS THE DASHBOARD: Please run the Flask_API.py file which will direct you to the home / index.html route.
Which postcode in the Yarra Ranges LGA has the highest count of accidents?
Which age group has the highest accident count?
We have chosen a local car accidents dataset to assist with trends and insights to help a car insurance company.
A hypothetical Victorian Car Insurance Company has hired Group 10 to build a dashboard to help their employees visualise accident trends throughout Victoria and to also help set insurance premiums.
Our primary dataset was sourced from the Victorian Government located HERE
We also sourced VIC Local Government Area (LGA) boundary GeoJSON data to map our LGA polygons via this dataset:
https://data.gov.au/dataset/ds-dga-bdf92691-c6fe-42b9-a0e2-a4cd716fa811/distribution/dist-dga-ce0a0ed3-6003-47fd-88ad-4b49d9337d47/details?q= -
The primary dataset spans 5 years of accident data throughout Victoria.
We focused on 4 of the CSVs in the dataset: "ACCIDENT", "NODE", "PERSON", and "VEHICLE. The raw CSV files for these can be found in the Resources folder.
The files are as follows:
ACCIDENT.CSV - Basic accident details, time, severity, location
Note: severity is measured as follows: 1 = Fatal accident, 2 = Serious injury accident, 3 = Other injury accident, 4 = Non injury accident -
PERSON.CSV - Person based details, age, sex etc.
VEHICLE.CSV - Vehicle based data, vehicle type, make etc.
NODE.CSV - Includes accident Lat/Long references for mapping.
- "AU_Accidents.ipynb" - Importing raw CSV files, data cleaning, SQLite database import.
- "geo_pandas.ipynb" - Used to convert .SHP file to GeoJSON
- "Flask_API.py" - Connection to database, API routes created for front-end data access.
- "index.html"
- "script.js"
- "lgaColors.js" - Color function for Leaflet polygons
- "style.css"
- "vic_lga.geojson" - Used to map LGA polygons
All URLs referenced in the API documentation are relative to
- Method:
- Description: The home route that serves the main HTML page.
- Response Type: HTML
- Example URL:
- Method:
- Description: Retrieves all accident locations. Optionally, you can filter by severity.
- Query Parameters:
: An integer that specifies the severity level ranging from 1 - 4 (1 being the most severe)
- Response Type: JSON (GeoJSON)
- Example URL:
- Method:
- Description: Retrieve the total number of accidents and the postcode with the highest number of accidents for each Local Government Area (LGA).
- Response Type: JSON
- Example URL:
- Sample Response:
"Postcode with highest no. accidents": "3350",
"Total LGA Accidents": 1091
- Method:
- Description: Retrieve information related to individuals involved in the accidents, such as age group, gender, and owner's postcode.
- Response Type: JSON
- Example URL:
- Method:
- Description: Retrieve vehicle-related information for each accident, such as the year of manufacture, vehicle power, make, and body style.
- Response Type: JSON
- Example URL:
- Method:
- Description: Retrieve the total number of accidents grouped by vehicle make.
- Response Type: JSON
- Example URL:
- Method:
- Description: Retrieve the total number of accidents grouped by the year of vehicle manufacture.
- Response Type: JSON
- Example URL:
- Method:
- Description: Retrieve the total number of accidents grouped by vehicle power.
- Response Type: JSON
- Example URL:
- Method:
- Description: Retrieve the total number of accidents grouped by vehicle body style.
- Response Type: JSON
- Example URL:
- Method:
- Description: Retrieve the total number of accidents grouped by age group.
- Response Type: JSON
- Example URL:
- Method:
- Description: Retrieve the total number of accidents grouped by the year the accident occurred.
- Response Type: JSON
- Example URL:
- Method:
- Description: Retrieve the total number of accidents grouped by gender.
- Response Type: JSON
- Example URL: