🦄 🎃 👻 V2Ray 路由规则文件加强版,可代替 V2Ray 官方 geoip.dat 和 geosite.dat,适用于 V2Ray、Xray-core、mihomo(Clash-Meta)、hysteria、Trojan-Go 和 leaf。Enhanced edition of V2Ray rules dat files, applicable to V2Ray, Xray-core…
DigitalPlat FreeDomain: Free Domain For Everyone
Jupyter Notebooks and code for Python for Finance (2nd ed., O'Reilly) by Yves Hilpisch.
A UiAutomator on android, does not need root access(安卓平台上的JavaScript自动化工具)
提供同花顺客户端/国金/华泰客户端/雪球的基金、股票自动程序化交易以及自动打新,支持跟踪 joinquant /ricequant 模拟交易 和 实盘雪球组合, 量化交易组件
使用flutter开发的v2ex客户端,支持Android和iOS设备。在Android 12+机型上支持Material You取色
So your teacher asked you to upload written assignments? Hate writing assigments? This tool will help you convert your text to handwriting xD
🤱🏻 Turn any webpage into a desktop app with Rust. 🤱🏻 利用 Rust 轻松构建轻量级多端桌面应用
🦄️ 🎃 👻 Clash Premium 规则集(RULE-SET),兼容 ClashX Pro、Clash for Windows 等基于 Clash Premium 内核的客户端。
Device detection (phone, tablet, desktop, mobile grade, os, versions)
A framework for building Mobile cross-platform UI
firebase / php-jwt
Forked from luciferous/jwtPHP package for JWT
Vue.js 示例项目 · 简易留言板。本项目拥有完善的文档说明与注释,让您快速上手 Vue.js 开发 SPA。Webpack / ES6 + Babel / Vue Router / (Vue Resource?) / (Vue Validator?) / (Vuex?) —— An Excellent Vue Starter with Best Practice / 最佳实践
touch events plugin for Vue.js.You can v-gesture directive,and directive auguments can use a tap, swipe, etc
Single Page Switching bone(include page manage, events manage) for mobile web APP, Hybrid APP, Phonegap, PPT, Single-Screen PC page...
This chat room is constructed by node.js and Bootstrap.
Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node.
A lightweight cryptography-driven Zero Trust protocol to safeguard servers and data from attackers by leveraging resource-hiding and encryption algorithms.