A curated list of Israeli product companies/product companies who hire Israelis - who work with Vue JS (Sorted alphabetically)
✨ A beautiful, responsive, highly customizable and accessible (WAI-ARIA) replacement for JavaScript's popup boxes. Zero dependencies. 🇺🇦
Marquee component for Vue - repeatedly translate content across wrapper. Completely responsive to after-render changes with many options to customize.
Round, flat, designer friendly demos for Zdog
ANE-LAB installs AIR Native Extension files in your project automatically.
WebView Adobe Air Native Extension for macOS 10.10+, Windows Desktop, iOS 9.0+ and Android 19+. This ANE provides access to a more modern webview from AIR.
ZIM JavaScript Canvas Framework - Code Creativity! Interactive Media For All.
Client-side JavaScript PDF generation for everyone.
Adobe Air Native Extension for displaying adaptive and interactive toast notifications in Windows 8, 10 and OSX
The Easel Javascript library provides a full, hierarchical display list, a core interaction model, and helper classes to make working with the HTML5 Canvas element much easier.
Native Extension for iOS and Android enabling AddressBook access
User interface components for Starling Framework and Adobe AIR
Responsive/Flexible UI controls for Feathers-UI
Flash AIR Native Extension: QRCode reader/decoder which accept BitmapData, therefore you can design your own scanner UI, adding overlay image, without launch fullscreen native Camera UI
The GPU powered 2D Flash API
amihanya / PhysInjector
Forked from reyco1/PhysInjectorBox2D AS3 Wrapper library with injected badassery!