This example shows WebPack basic usage.
development and build release version
Development Version:$ npm run dev
Build Release Version:$ npm run release
Support Single Page;
Support ES6 via Babel;
Use SASS as CSS language;
Build image files(copy into destination directory with those files larger then 10k size, and insert into pages with those files smaller then 10k size);
Output CSS built into JavaScript files;
Download this repository or git clone
$ git clone
Refer to the commands below and install dependencies package
$ npm install
Refer to the commands below, then open browser and visit http://localhost:8080
$ npm run dev
Refer to the commands below, then find built files in destination directory
$ npm run release
"src" is the source directory, "dist" is the build destination directory.
│ .babelrc │ .eslintrc │ package-lock.json │ package.json │ │ snapshot.png │ webpack.config.development.js │ webpack.config.production.js │ 中文文档.md │ ├─dist │ │ index.html │ │ │ ├─img │ │ │ └─js │ └─src │ favicon.ico │ └─cn.amiku │ index.tmpl.html │ ├─img │ img-css-bg.png │ img-js-import.gif │ ├─js │ Index.js │ IndexComponent.js │ └─scss baseConfig.scss Index.scss IndexComponent.scss