Surround selections, stylishly 😎
Warning: This plugin is still in early development, so some things might not be fully fleshed out or stable. Feel free to open an issue or pull request!
- Surround text objects/visual selections with delimiter pairs
- Delete/Change surrounding delimiters
- Quickly add/change/remove surrounding HTML tags
- Change only the surrounding HTML tag's element type, and leave its attributes
- Use a single character as an alias for several text-objects
- E.g.
is aliased to`,',"
, socsqb
replaces the nearest set of quotes with parentheses
- E.g.
Install this plugin with your favorite package manager:
-- Lua
config = function()
-- Configuration here, or leave empty to use defaults
" Vim Script
Plug "kylechui/nvim-surround"
lua << EOF
-- Configuration here, or leave empty to use defaults
The default configuration is as follows:
keymaps = { -- vim-surround style keymaps
insert = "ys",
visual = "S",
delete = "ds",
change = "cs",
delimiters = {
pairs = {
["("] = { "( ", " )" },
[")"] = { "(", ")" },
["{"] = { "{ ", " }" },
["}"] = { "{", "}" },
["<"] = { "< ", " >" },
[">"] = { "<", ">" },
["["] = { "[ ", " ]" },
["]"] = { "[", "]" },
separators = {
["'"] = { "'", "'" },
['"'] = { '"', '"' },
["`"] = { "`", "`" },
HTML = {
["t"] = true, -- Use "t" for HTML-style mappings
aliases = {
["a"] = ">", -- Single character aliases apply everywhere
["b"] = ")",
["B"] = "}",
["r"] = "]",
["q"] = { '"', "'", "`" }, -- Table aliases only apply for changes/deletions
All keys should be one character exactly. To overwrite any functionality, you
only need to specify the keys that you wish to modify. To disable any
functionality, simply set the corresponding key's value to false
. For example,
delimiters = {
pairs = {
["b"] = { "{", "}" },
HTML = { -- Disables HTML-style mappings
["t"] = false,
- Find a better way to use
- There's probably a better way to avoid the
white space situation
- There's probably a better way to avoid the
- Implement dot repeating for modifying surrounds
- vim-surround
- mini.surround
- Like this project? Give it a ⭐ to show your support!