Using npm:
Run these commands from the terminal while inside the root directory of the repository:
npm install -g http-server
http-server . -a -p 9001
Performs best on Chrome. Safari is sluggish for reasons I haven't yet looked into. Firefox hasn't been tested in ages. MS Edge is yet untested.
ARROWS: rotate the cube
LETTERS / SYMBOLS / ETC.: put typed character on front face
SPACEBAR: enter “ ” (space) character, which clears the front slice
ENTER: toggle playback
CTRL+EQUALS: next step
CTRL+MINUS: previous step
CTRL+SPACE: toggle playback
CTRL+B: send content towards the back
CTRL+F: send content towards the front
CTRL+L: send content towards the left
CTRL+R: send content towards the right
CTRL+U: send content towards the top
CTRL+D: send content towards the bottom
CTRL+ALT+UP: send content towards the back
CTRL+ALT+DOWN: send content towards the front
BACKSPACE: clear front slice
SHIFT+BACKSPACE: clear all contents of the cube