A curated list of awesome tools, utils and projects using Playwright
Playwright is a Node.js library to automate Firefox, WebKit and Chromium based browsers via a single API.
- jest-playwright - Jest adapter for running Playwright.
- CodeceptJS - Supercharged End 2 End Testing Framework for Node.js.
- QA Wolf - Create browser tests 10x faster.
- playwright-aws-lambda - Support for running Microsoft's Playwright on AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions.
- playwright-amazon-linux-build - Browser build for Playwright to run on Amazon Linux 2.
- playwright-sharp - Playwright port to .NET with C#.
- playwright-github-action - GitHub Action to install all the required dependencies.
- Try Playwright - Interactive playground for running Playwright tests.
- query-selector-shadow-dom - Extend the selectors engine by selecting Shadow DOM roots.
- playwright-video - Record your Chromium browser sessions.
- playwright-fluent - Fluent API Wrapper around Playwright.
- playwright-ci - Set up Playwright in your CI easily.
- headless-testing - Connect your Playwright tests with browsers in the Cloud.
- expect-playwright - Utility functions for Jest to perform expect based checks.
- eslint-plugin-jest-playwright - ESLint globals for the usage with Jest Playwright.
- Moon - Tools for executing Playwright tests in parallel in a Kubernetes cluster.
- playwright-jest-examples - Examples of the Jest Playwright tools in combination to test popular sites.
- playwright-demos - Playwright demos for scrapping and UI testing / automate testing workflows.
- VS Code - Playwright is used to run cross-browser tests on their web builds.
- TypeScript - Playwright is used test typescript.js across browsers.
- Elastic APM JS agent - Playwright is used to run benchmark tests across browsers.
- Blockstack - Playwright is used to run cross-browser UI tests.
- xterm.js - Playwright is used to run cross-browser integration tests.
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