This is a collection of Greasemonkey Userscripts for Firefox addon.
This is a Greasemonkey Userscript to add a "Print Chessboards" link in pages. When this link is clicked everything in the page except the chessboards is removed. The chessboards then can be printed. In firefox, to print the backgrounds the option File->Page setup->Print Background (color & images) has to be selected. To return to full page view, press F5.
This is a Greasemonkey Userscript to make the page printable.
This is a Greasemonkey Userscript to convert the changeset in comments to a TFS changeset link.
This is a Greasemonkey Userscript to add a "Live Run" button to source files pages. When this button is clicked the url is replaced with url. HTML & Javascript repositories can be live executed in browser without having to first clone the repository.
This is a Greasemonkey Userscript to remove the top bar from lycos mail.
This is a Greasemonkey Userscript to mimic "Read Now" functionality of on article pages.
This is a Greasemonkey Userscript to add "Export" button to "Group info". The contacts are exported to the Developer Console. Click F12 to access it.