The documentation covers Terraform testing using kitchen-terraform and GCP-Inspec.
Kitchen Terraform Plugin
- This plugin is designed to work with tool test kitchen.
- The tool test kithen is written in Ruby.
- The infra is being launched using terraform driver with test variables.
- The verification is done using inspec.
Guide on how to use this repo
- The terraform code is written in directories under big_query and secrets
- The code in big_query directory creates a big query instance along with a service account.
- The code in secrets folder creates secrets
Test Driven development for above terraform code
- The code needs to be tested against the sandbox environment before it can be applied.
- The testing setup is available under
- The workflow calls the testing workflow which has test cases written to test the code.
- If testing workflow is successful then this workflow will continue and PR will be merged.
- If testing workflow fails then this workflow will fail and process will stop.