Minjar Inc
- Bangalore
- http://www.minjar.com
🤖🌊 aiFlows: The building blocks of your collaborative AI
🦜🔗 Build context-aware reasoning applications
An awesome & curated list of best LLMOps tools for developers
An Extensible Toolkit for Finetuning and Inference of Large Foundation Models. Large Models for All.
OpenAssistant is a chat-based assistant that understands tasks, can interact with third-party systems, and retrieve information dynamically to do so.
AI orchestration framework to build customizable, production-ready LLM applications. Connect components (models, vector DBs, file converters) to pipelines or agents that can interact with your data…
An open source payments switch written in Rust to make payments fast, reliable and affordable
DEPRECATED: Data collection and processing made easy.
simple, distributed message queue system (inactive)
Alluxio, data orchestration for analytics and machine learning in the cloud
Real time Varnish Cache metrics dashboard
amnigos / boto
Forked from boto/botoPython interface to Amazon Web Services
This is an initiative to create browser based measurement of Amazon EC2 latency for all different regions.
amnigos / mousetrap
Forked from ccampbell/mousetrapSimple library for handling keyboard shortcuts in Javascript
amnigos / fake-s3
Forked from jubos/fake-s3A lightweight server clone of Amazon S3 that simulates most of the commands supported by S3 with minimal dependencies
amnigos / jmeter-ec2
Forked from oliverlloyd/jmeter-ec2Automates running Apache JMeter on Amazon EC2
Simple library for handling keyboard shortcuts in Javascript
Sample MR job for creating campaign mobile numbers by ignoring scrubbed data
Amazon EC2 instance comparison site
amnigos / Java-BloomFilter
Forked from MagnusS/Java-BloomFilterA stand-alone Bloom filter implementation written in Java
gregoryloucas / Fontstrap
Forked from FortAwesome/Font-AwesomeThe iconic font designed for use with Twitter Bootstrap
Log analyzer coming from hackathron of Graylog2 and Logstash to start.
A lightweight server clone of Amazon S3 that simulates most of the commands supported by S3 with minimal dependencies
amnigos / GCViewer
Forked from chewiebug/GCViewerFork of tagtraum industries' GCViewer. Tagtraum stopped development in 2008, I aim to improve support for Sun's java 1.6 garbage collector logs (mainly CMS and G1 collector)
amnigos / crunch
Forked from thaingo/crunchEasy, efficient MapReduce pipelines in Java and Scala.
amnigos / html2canvas
Forked from niklasvh/html2canvasScreenshots with JavaScript
amnigos / google-gson
Forked from eatnumber1/google-gsonA Java library to convert JSON to Java objects and vice-versa