Video delivered just the way you like it.
VideoPizza sifts through an entire video to find its richest portions and delivers them in easily-consumable, shareable "slices."
It does this using fancy natural language processing against the transcript of the video, along with some server-side magic. A rich timeline annotation UI allows for manual editing of those slices, which we call "toppings". And a player allows those slices and toppings to be consumed in a tasty package, either in standalone mode or as an embed on a publisher website.
NOTE: this is just a proof-of-concept.
- Flask
- Python 2.7
in assets/
User: typical Facebook / Twitter internet user
From a long video, VideoPizza repackages slices that are short clips, are each tweetable and shareable. The Player Tool is embeddable on publisher websites (a la Storify embeds) or can self-host the videos plus the interesting slices.
Posts on Twitter and Facebook that include VideoPizza slices create better social engagement over smaller portions of the full video.
- Bootstrap / HTML / LESS
- Video.js
Code: submodules/autoclipper
User: journalist / editor / video producer
If you have a video online that contains text transcripts (e.g. C-SPAN, YouTube closed captioning), the Autoclip Tool will analyze the text, score the sentences, and identify the most "interesting" parts of the video. An editor can then choose which clips are actually interesting and tweet/share those.
Code: submodules/annotator
User: journalist / editor / video producer
OR: hyper-engaged Internet user viewing a video
Some videos can't be automatically sliced via VideoPizza, or editors won't agree with the chosen slices. The Annotation Tool provides an interactive interface so that you can manually annotate different parts of a video and then treat those as slices.
- Andrew Montalenti
- Amelia Winger-Bearskin
- Alessandra Villaamil
- Daniel Mclaughlin
- Elizabeth Kilroy
- Fred Ritchin
- Jasmine Henderson
- Kristina Budelis
- Liam Andrew
- Meredith Derby Berg
- Ross Goodwin
- Sharon Chen
- Sky Dylan-Robbins
- Steph Rymer
- Tobias Wright