CREDIT: Vampwood for conceiving the bot, and SkyJedi for substantial contributions to the project.
A Discord Bot Companion for the SW:EotE RPG
#Usage Commands:
!roll rolls any combination of SWRPG dice and returns the cancelled results
- You may add " " at the end of the line to give the roll a name like Initiative
- Dice results and cancellations are computed by the bot so you don't have to!
- Only the remaining symbols will be displayed.
y/pro = Yellow/Proficiency
g/a = Green/Ability
b/boo = Blue/Boost
blk/k/sb/s = Black/Setback
r/c = Red/ Challenge
p/diff = Purple/ Difficulty
w/f = White/Force
- note: if you use the !roll yyyggbbd method you must use the single character dice identifiers
EXAMPLES - !roll yyyggbbd "Blast Him!" - !roll 3pro 2a 2boo 2dif 2sb "Delusions of Grandeur" - !roll "Get to the ship" 2y 1g 1r 1p
!Poly: rolls any combination of polyhedral dice with modifier
EXAMPLES - !poly 1d4 2d6+1 1d100-60
!d100 rolls a d100 with optional modifier and displays result.
- !d100 +X
- !d100 + X
- !d100 -X
- !d100 - X
!destiny sets and manages the Destiny Balance for the group
- !destiny view the destiny pool
- !destiny roll rolls one Force Die and adds it to current destiny pool
- !destiny l/light uses light side point
- !destiny d/dark uses dark side point
- !destiny set #l #d sets destiny pool
- !destiny set lldd sets destiny pool
- !destiny reset resets the destiny pool
!crit rolls a d100 with optional modifier and displays result of the critical hit.
- !crit +X
- !crit + X
- !crit -X
- !crit - X
!shipcrit rolls a d100 with optional modifier and displays result of the ship critical hit.
- !shipcrit +X
- !shipcrit + X
- !shipcrit -X
- !shipcrit - X
!char Simple character stat manager
- !char setup characterName maxWound maxStrain credits Setup a new character
- !char wound/w characterName +X/-X increases/decreases wounds for characterName by X
- !char strain/s characterName +X/-X increases/decreases Strain for characterName by X
- !char credits/c characterName +X/-X increases/decreases credit balance for characterName by X
- !Char Crit CharacterName +X/-X: adds/removes critical injuries for characterName
- !Char obligation/o CharacterName +X/-X obligationName: adds/removes obligations for characterName
- !char status characterName current status for characterName
- !char remove characterName removes characterName
- !char list lists all characters
- !char reset resets all characters
!Init initiative tracker and roller
- !Init: shows current initiative order
- !Init Roll Dice NPC/PC: rolls your initiative dice and adds character to the order
- !Init Next: moves to next initiative slot
- !Init Previous: moves to previous initiative slot
- !Init Set: manually set initiative order before any turns occur
- !Init Modify: manually alter initiative order mid-round
- !Init Reset: resets the initiative order
!Species/!Gleepglop: picks a random species
!Obligation: gathers all the obligations entered with !Char and rolls to trigger
!help Type '!help topic for further information'
- !roll rolls any combination of SWRPG dice and returns the canceled results
- !d100 rolls a d100 with optional modifier and displays result
- !destiny sets and manages the destiny balance for the group
- !crit rolls a d100 with optional modifier and displays result of the critical hit
- !shipcrit rolls a d100 with optional modifier and displays result of the ship critical hit
- !char simple character stat manager
- !help displays help for topics
- !init initiative tracker and roller
- !ver displays bot version
- !stats Displays # of servers/users bot is currently has.
#Installation and Setup
- First you will need to have NodeJS installed on your machine. You can find the latest version here
- Next create a discord account for your bot. You can do this here
- Click "New App"
- Provide a Name (this is the name people will see when the bot joins a channel) and Description
- Click "Create App"
- On the new screen click "Create a Bot User"
- Open Notepad
- Under the heading "App Bot User" you will see "Token:click to reveal" Click to reveal it and copy the resulting text and paste it in notepad. Be sure to keep this token private.
- Under the heading "App Details" Copy the number after "Client ID:" and paste this in notepad as well.
- Replace "CLIENT_ID_GOES_HERE" in the following link with the Client ID you copied in the above step
- Paste the edited link into a web browser, select the discord server you wish to add the bot to, and click "Authorize".
- Click "Clone or Download" at the top of this page. Click "Download Zip" and extract the files.
- Type @ into your channel to get you userID
- Open config.json with a text editor program of your choice.
- Replace "BOT TOKEN" with your bot token you copied in step 2.6 and save the file
- Replace "ADMIN_ID" with the NUMBERS of your userID.
- Your bot is now configured and ready to launch.
#Running the bot
Before you first launch the bot you need to run the file "Run this before first launch". You can't miss it. This will install all the dependencies that bot needs to run.
To run the bot, Just execute the file "EotE Dice Roller.lnk". You can copy/move this file to any location you want. However, do not move "start.bat" out of the installation folder.
#Configuration File config.json
config.json has four properties
- token - this is the login token for your bot
- prefix - this is the symbol the bot uses to recognize commands. This is set to "!" by default
- descriptorPrenpend - Any text you place between the double quotes following this property will be prepended to the text provided in the comment parameter. Example: if "descriptorPrepend" is set to "Targeting: ", then the command !roll 2g 2blk "Soldier 1" is called, the bot will respond with: Targeting: Soldier 1 Astrydax roll results: Success: 1 Threat: 1
- maxRollsPerDie - This is the max number per dice type that can be rolled in a given roll command. Set to 20 by default. Commands that don't respect the roll limit will be aborted and send an error message to the discord chat.
#CUSTOM emoji
- Follow instructions here to add emoji from /dice to your discord server
- NOTE: To disable emoji rename printValues_NO_EMOJI.js to printValues.js, replacing existing file.
#Amazon EC2 install
Connect to your ubuntu Linux instance using SSH.
Install node
- curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
- sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
Download and unzip lastest build wget unzip cd SWEotE-Discord-Dice-Roller-master
Install npm for the bot npm install
Configure the bot sudo nano config.json
launch bot (this will launch the bot and let you close the terminal window) nohup nodejs bot.js &>/dev/null & disown