Repository for API models in Swagger 2.0 format
Our goal is to create a machine-readable Wikipedia for REST APIs, with the following principals:
- Open source, community driven project
- Only publicly available APIs (free or paid).
- Anyone can add or change an API, not only API owners.
- All data can be accessed through a REST API.
If you want to reference this project and you need an icon or even a banner, check our branding guide.
You can also support the project using BountySource
Also, we provide services and consultancy around the Swagger spec and REST APIs in general.
You can contact us at [email protected].
All code is released under the MIT licence.
All API specs contributed to project by authors is covered by the CC01.0 license.
All API specs acquired from public sources under the Fair use principal.
- Public - anyone can access it as long as they follow some clearly defined steps (email owner, pay money, etc.).
- Persistant - API is made with long-lived goal, and not for a particular event (conference, hackathon, etc.).
- Useful - API could provide useful functionality not only for its owner.
We are currently working on adding many new API specs, you can see the full list inside this document.
If you have an API spec in any format (Swagger, RAML, WADL, ...) for any public API, please feel free to open an issue.
You can use our REST API.
Also we provide our collection in APIs.json format:
Existing integrations:
- https://any-api.com - Documentation and Test Consoles for Public APIs
- https://sdks.io/ - Explore Automatically Generated SDKs [logo]: https://apis-guru.github.io/api-models/branding/logo_horizontal.svg "APIs.guru"