This project will give an example of how we can automate native mobile application using Selenide-Appium Library.
To know more - Selenide-Appium
App under test is having same flow in both android and ios. So we need to tell Selenide-Appium which implementation to choose. We have two implementation classes, each for opening android and ios apps.
We can choose which app we want to open by setting.
- Setting Configuration.browser value via code.
Configuration.browser = SauceLabAndroidDriverProvider.class.getName();
//For opening android session
Configuration.browser = SauceLabIosDriverProvider.class.getName();
//For opening ios session
Typical test may look like this
class SauceLabsTest {
void testSauceLabsApp() {
Configuration.browser = SauceLabAndroidDriverProvider.class.getName();
The problem with this approach is to change the value manually or write some logic to find which class implementation to use based on needs.
- Pass
value as System property. It is also recommended to have default implementation set in the file
mvn clean test -Dselenide.browser=com.provider.SauceLabAndroidDriverProvider
to run test on android
mvn clean test -Dselenide.browser=com.provider.SauceLabIosDriverProvider
to run test on ios
We can create our own custom command by implementing Command Interface.
For usage purpose, I have implemented custom command to scroll to an element.
public class ProductsListingScreen {
@AndroidFindBy(xpath = "//android.widget.TextView[@text='$7.99']/preceding-sibling::android.view.ViewGroup/android.widget.ImageView")
@iOSXCUITFindBy(accessibility = "Sauce Labs Onesie")
private WebElement oneSieProduct;
public ProductDetailsScreen selectOneSieProduct() {
$(oneSieProduct).execute(new ScrollToElement()).shouldBe(visible).click();
return page(ProductDetailsScreen.class);
We can create custom conditions to match our requirements.
In my case, for Android - I want to use text
attribute and for iOS - I want to use label
attribute for assertion.
public final class CustomCondition {
private CustomCondition() {
public static Condition attributeMatching(String androidAttribute, String iosAttribute, String expectedValue) {
boolean androidDriver = AppiumDriverRunner.isAndroidDriver();
String attributeInContext = androidDriver ? androidAttribute : iosAttribute;
return new Condition("element should have " + attributeInContext + " with value " + expectedValue) {
public CheckResult check(Driver driver, WebElement element) {
String actualValue = element.getAttribute(attributeInContext);
return new CheckResult(actualValue.contains(expectedValue), actualValue);
public class ProductsListingScreen {
private static final By FOOTER_ANDROID = AppiumSelectors.withText("All Rights Reserved");
private static final By FOOTER_IOS = AppiumSelectors.withName("All Rights Reserved");
public void checkWhetherFooterIsPresent() {
.execute(new ScrollToElement())
.shouldHave(CustomCondition.attributeMatching("text", "label", "Sauce Labs"));