This Github repo develops a report dashbaord on the automated regression tests from the repo slurm_testing. This automated regression testing repo is specifically made for testing C-PAC. Currently, the regression test only runs default pipeline.
This script parses through C-PAC output directories to find log, output, and working directories. These paths are written in a YAML file, which will get used in the following script for correlating.
--pipeline1 {/path/to/CPAC/output} CPAC output directory for correlating against `pipeline2`.
Its following subdirectory should be `log`, `output`
and `working`
--pipeline2 {/path/to/CPAC/output} CPAC output directory for correlating against `pipeline1`.
Its following subdirectory should be `log`, `output`
and `working`.
--workspace $GITHUB_WORKSPACE Github workspace. Ensure that all files get saved here
for easy accessibility.
--branch $GITHUB_BRANCH Developer's branch name. This ensures that all files created
have a unique name (no overwriting in cluster).
--data_source Site_Name Name of Site data comes from. Will be HNU_1, Site-CBIC, and Site-SI
{branch_name}.yml YAML file that contains the file paths of CPAC output directories.
This script calculates correlations of the files from the YAML file created above. These file paths contains images from the C-PAC output directories in which we want to correlate against. These JSON files are created in the cluster and must be sent back to Github Actions from the cluster when completed.
input_yaml {/path/to/branch_name.yml} This is a positional argument!! Meaning there is no flag
so first argument must be the YAML file that was output
from ``
--branch $GITHUB_BRANCH Developer's branch name. This ensures that all files created
have a unique name (no overwriting in cluster).
--data_source Site_Name Name of Site data comes from. Will be HNU_1, Site-CBIC, and Site-SI
{data_source}_{branch}.json The output are JSON files with correlations of every file in the C-PAC
output directories.
This script builds the dashboard based on the correlations calculated above. Currently, the dashboard is saved onto a temporary HTML file that automatically opens up in a browser.
--json_files JSON files created from `` script.
If multiple JSON files, can separate then by a comma (NO SPACES).
--json_files HNU_1_{branch}.json,Site-SI_{branch}.json,Site-CBIC_{branch}.json
--branch $GITHUB_BRANCH Developer's branch name. This ensures that all files created
have a unique name (no overwriting in cluster).
temp.html Temporary HTML file that automatically opens in browser. Tempoary
because it does not get saved to computer unless you save it.
If you exit browser, will need to build again.
The dashboard is a heat map where value < 0.98 will be red and value ≥ 0.98 will be green. Y-Axis: File names X-Axis: Data Source (data Site name)
Top part of Dashboard:

Bottom X-Axis of Dashboard:

If you hover over each block, it will also highlight the file name, Site name, and correlation value.