Amy Brown
Custom Implementation of the Lox language in Java via Bob Nystrom's Crafting Interpreters (
This implementation hopes to add several of the challenge features discussed in the book. Additionally, some other features plan to be added, including a more epxressive interactive mode and an extended library of native functions.
Currently implemented features:
- Interactive parser
- Functional Lexer and Scanner
- Semantic analyzer
- Lexically scoped language
- First-class Functions and closures
- Classes
- Docstrings, which are added between a callable and it's body
fun max(a, b) "Returns the largest element of (a, b)" {...}
- Multiline embedded comments using
/* */
syntax - Ternary operator
condition ? value1 : value 2
- Comma operator like C
val1, val2
- Added more native functions and convenient way of extending them
Extended Native Functions:
find the absolute value ofx
throws a runtime exception if condition evaluates to falseexit(code)
Exits application with exit-codecode
Prints a help-string for a class or function;