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amymcgovern edited this page Jan 23, 2017 · 1 revision

Welcome to the spacesettlers wiki!

This project stores the source code for the game Space Settlers, formerly known as Spacewar. This game is used to teach Artificial Intelligence at the University of Oklahoma. The game enables students to implement their own search, learning, multi-agent, and planning systems within a complex real-world type environment. They also learn how to use existing software packages. You are welcome to use this software in your class! Please cite one of the papers below.

McGovern, Amy and Trytten, Deborah. (2013). Making In-Class Competitions Desirable For Marginalized Groups. Proceedings of the 2013 Frontiers in Education Conference, pages 704-706. pdf

McGovern, Amy; Tidwell, Zachery and Rushing, Derek. (2011). Teaching Introductory Artificial Intelligence through Java-based Games. Proceedings of the symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence. pdf

McGovern, Amy and Fager, Jason. (2007) Creating Significant Learning Experiences in Introductory Artificial Intelligence. Proceedings of SIGCSE 2007, technical symposium on computer science education, pages 39-43. pdf

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