All materials for each meeting are in separate directories (folders). Each is a stand-alone directory, so you can download each folder you're interested in without having to get all of them.
- 2020-11-04: scripts and markdown structure, basic vectors and subsetting
- 2020-11-19: recap of first meeting, filtering data frames
- 2020-12-03: recap of second meeting, piping using
- 2021-01-18: review of all materials from fall quarter using marbles data by An Bui
- 2021-01-25: presentation of COVID-19 models based on data from New Mexico, US by Jakob Kaare-Rasmussen
- 2021-02-01: presentation of disease modles by Tatum Katz
- 2021-02-08: function writing by An Bui
- 2021-02-22:
loops by Austen Apigo
The DAnC google drive has all the materials on this Github repository and recordings of meetings.