My configuration to turn neovim into an ide with python support
To install nvim-plugins with support for CoC and python, run
To play around with a demo inside a docker container, simply run
and to enter the container to play around, run
There are two ways to run vim-dev inside a docker container:
- Keeping vim-dev outside of your container, you can use external_docker_install as used in
- Directly cloning this repository inside your docker container and run an internal_docker_install similar to
# sample docker building script
cp Dockerfile Dockerfile.bkp
# add user with your current users UID
echo "RUN adduser --disabled-password --gecos \"\" -u $UID $USERNAME" >> Dockerfile
echo "WORKDIR /home/$USERNAME" >> Dockerfile
# clone vim-dev into desired location
echo "RUN git clone /home/$USERNAME/vim-dev" >> Dockerfile
echo "WORKDIR /home/$USERNAME/vim-dev" >> Dockerfile
# Installation needs to be performed as root user
echo "USER root" >> Dockerfile
# Add location of your miniconda3 installation *inside* your container
# running the internal installation script with parameters $USERNAME $PATH_VARIABLE $VIMDEV_PATH
echo "RUN bash internal_docker_install/ $USERNAME $PATH /home/$USERNAME/vim-dev/" >> Dockerfile
echo "USER $USERNAME" >> Dockerfile
echo "WORKDIR /home/$USERNAME/eval" >> Dockerfile
mv Dockerfile.bkp Dockerfile