A simple lightweight framework for building apps and APIs in PHP
Checkout the wiki for detailed instructions.
- app -> controllers , views
- cache
- includes -> db.php
- public -> assets, images
Each web page of your app should have a controller and a view. Did I miss model? Yeah! Lets keep this framework simple. Write your controllers inside app/controllers folder, and write the view inside app/views folder.
When you visit, http://yourmicronsiteurl/pagename , the controller named pagename.php and view named pagename.php will be executed.
Also, you can create virtual routes, that can point to a controller or view.
Routes are defined in includes/routes.php file.
route('pagename', ["parameter" => "value"])
<a href="<?php echo route('admin/products',array('a' => 'add'))?>" class="btn btn-primary">Add Product</a>
redirectRoute('pagename', ["parameter" => "value"])
redirectRoute('admin/divisions',array('successMessage' => 'Division Added'));
echo assets('path to css file inside public/assets folder')
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo assets('pretty/css/prettyPhoto.css')?>" type="text/css" media="screen" charset="utf-8" />
loadView('viewName',[array of data to be passed])
loadView('header',["title" => 'Sample Title'])
validateRequired($userInput, $requiredFields)
$requiredFields = ['title','subject'];
magicInsert('tableName',$_POST) Unset any unwanted parameters using unset() function before using magicInsert() Example