As a part of our build week we were given a problem statement to clone the website in a span of 5 days.Ixigo is one of the leading travel websites in India which offers different services like ticket booking,hotels etc.
- Jagadish Hospet
- Safiur Rahaman
- Ananthu Asokkumar
- Kishan Kumar
ixigo is an Indian AI-based online travel portal, launched in 2007. Headquartered in Gurgaon, ixigo aggregates and compares real-time travel information, prices and availability for flights, trains, buses, and hotels, and allows ticket booking through its associate websites and apps.We have made this clone as a part of built week in masai school for eductional purpose.Our landing page is the flights booking page and we have done almost all functionalities till successfull booking of a flight.
- React JS
- Redux
- Material UI
- Bootstrap
- NodeJS
- Express
- MongoDB(Database)
git clone repo_link
git checkout -b branch_name
git add filename
git commit -m "description"
git push origin branch_name
git pull origin branch_name
- cors: ^2.8.5,
- express: ^4.17.1,
- mongoose: ^5.11.15,
- nodemon: ^2.0.12,
- emotion/react: ^11.4.1,
- emotion/styled: ^11.3.0,
- material-ui: ^4.12.3,
- bootstrap: ^5.1.3,
- react-google-login: ^5.2.2,
- react-phone-number-input: ^3.1.35,
- react-redux: ^7.2.5,
- redux-thunk: ^2.3.0,
- Login/Signup
- Google signup
- Flights Page
- Search for flights
- Filtering flights by arirlines and on basis of stops.
- Booking Page of flights
- Checkout
- Payment page
1.This is our login modal
- This is the langing page of our website.
- This the flights page where the user can find and filter the flights according to their preference.The use can choose the flights according to one stop ,two -stop ,and non stop. Apart from that the user can filter the airlies and select their preffered flights using the filters.
- On selecting the flight it will take you to the booking page.In the booking page the discount ,offers and final amount after tax and will be shown .If the user wants to modify the booking he can go back and make changes and on confirmation of booking it will take the user to the checkout page.
After adding details of traveller ,the user can go to the checkout details , on click of checkout will take the user to payments page.This is the payment gateway where the user has to provide the card details and make the payment and confirm their tickets.
Once the payment is done and the use will get booking confirmation message and it will redirect from the payment page and after 3 seconds it will redirect the user to the home page of the website.