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Sphere-Meshes for Real-Time Hand Modeling and Tracking


To obtain the results shown in the video proper hardware is necessary:

  • Windows 8
  • Intel Core i7 @4GhZ
  • CUDA Graphic card (NVIDIA GTX980 used in our demo)
  • Inter RealSense depth camera

Other notes:

  • note the software must be compiled in 64bits
  • Wristband color calibration (make sure the wristband is detected robustly otherwise the tracking might not perform as effectively, you can check this by enabling "show wband" in the hmodel_atb application)


title = {Sphere-Meshes for Real-Time Hand Modeling and Tracking}, 
author = {Anastasia Tkach and Mark Pauly and Andrea Tagliasacchi}, 
journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia)}, 
year = {2016}}

Running "Teaser" Sequence

in hmodel/apps/hmodel_atb/main.cpp

  • change 21 | std::string sequence_path to the path to teaser dataset in you machine
  • change 22 | std::string data_path to the path to hmodel/data/ folder on your machine
  • set 17 | bool benchmarkto true

Running Live

in hmodel/apps/hmodel_atb/main.cpp

  • set 17 | bool benchmark to false
  • wear a blue wristband and make sure that the wristband is always in the view of the sensor
  • c++ implementation of automatic hand model calibration is coming
  • for now to approximately adjust the model for your hand
    • press key 1 for uniform scaling up
    • press key 2 for uniform scaling down
    • press key 3 for width scaling up
    • press key 4 for width scaling down
    • press key 5 for thickness scaling up
    • press key 6 for thickness scaling down


Sphere Meshes for Real-Time Hand Modeling and Tracking







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