A curated list of awesome Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations repositories, blogs, documents and resources.
Inspired by awesome-python.
- Awesome MSDYN365FO
Official Microsoft's stuff
- Dynamics365-FinOps-DevOps - Contains scripts, samples and guidance on setting up a DevOps pipeline for D365FO.
- Recurring-Integrations-Scheduler - File-based integration solution for D365FO.
- Dynamics-AX-Integration - Dynamics AX Integration samples and demos.
- Microsoft Dynamics 365 FastTrack TechTalks
- Dynamics-365-FastTrack-Implementation-Assets Public - Dynamics 365 FastTrack Implementation Assets.
Repositories containing add-ins
- TRUDUtilsD365 - A set of add-ins to perform quickly common development tasks.
- D365O-Addins - A set of add-ins to perform quickly common development tasks.
- D365FONinjaDevTools - A set of add-ins to perform quickly common development tasks.
- SSD365VSAddIn - A set of add-ins to perform quickly common development tasks.
- D365FO-ExcelFinancialDimensionLookups - Works as a complement of "Add financial dimensions for OData" native add-in.
- D365FO-ReportLatestLogFile - Opens the latest reporting service log file. Useful to troubleshoot report problems.
Repositories containing X++ code
- XppTools - Useful X++ utilities and code samples.
- AOT Browser - Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations AOT Browser.
- Docentric AX Free Edition - Improves print destinations for all your reports in MS Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.
- Dynamicspedia downloads - Different utilities from André Arnaud de Calavon.
- D365FOAdminToolkit - A D365FO administrative toolkit built by the community for the community.
- MXT - X++ Interpreter - X++ Interpreter for D365FO.
PowerShell scripts
- D365FO-Prepare-D365DevelopmentMachine - Script for preparing a development machine for D365FO by installing additional tools and configuring the operating system automatically.
- d365fo.tools - Powershell module to handle the different management tasks.
- d365fo.integrations - Powershell functions for integration with D365FO.
- DynamicsAxTools - Scripts set to monitor and generate AX performance reports.
- Dynamics365-Xpp-Samples-Tools - Contains samples of code, scripts and tools related to X++ or X++ tools.
- TRUD Scripts - Scripts to manage D365FO development process.
Other useful programs
- LabelFileGenerator - Generate label files for D365FO core models in specific languages.
- 2LCS - 2LCS - Lifecycle Services companion app.
- Dynamics 365 Finance APIs - Public Postman Workspace for Integrations
Resources with good learning material
- Microsoft learn - Official free Microsoft Dynamics 365FO trainings.
- Dynamics 365 Success by Design Implementation Guide - Dynamics 365 Implementation Guide interactive book.
- ExamTopics - Expert Verified, Online, Free certification questions - a lot of free certification questions to prepare for D365FO related certifications(but may be blocked from the US or other locations).
- Microsoft Dynamics 365 FastTrack TechTalks - FastTrack TechTalks provide technical and functional best practices and guidance for Dynamics 365 deployments.
- Dynamics 365 FastTrack Architecture Insights - Recommended implementation practices across Customer Engagement and Finance & Operations apps. The content is created and shared by the solution architects from the Dynamics 365 engineering team.
- Microsoft Yammer/VivaEngage - You can find groups dedicated to specific topics to ask questions and help others. Program Managers for particular modules, apps or integrations participate in conversations sometimes and provide their insights and announcements, especially around preview features.
- Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations - Aimed at software engineers and those involved in developing solutions. This channel is NOT a Microsoft official.
- Microsoft Dynamics 365 Unified Operations - Official Microsoft D365FO playlist.
- Microsoft Dynamics 365 Community - Microsoft Dynamics 365 Community channel.
- D365FO Electronic Reporting (GER) From Scratch - ER series from Fernando Tudela.
People that add great value to the community and often share good hints
- Mötz Jensen - Co-Author on the #D365FOTools powershell module.
- José Antonio Estevan - Microsoft PFE team.
- Ievgen Miroshnikov - Microsoft MVP.
- Juan Antonio Tomás - Microsoft MVP.
- Denis Trunin - Curator of this list and future MVP.
- Who to follow on LinkedIn to stay informed about D365FO - LinkedIn list from Hylke Britstra.
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