A curated list of awesome Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations repositories, blogs, documents and resources.
Inspired by awesome-python.
- Awesome MSDYN365FO
Official Microsoft's stuff
- Dynamics365-FinOps-DevOps - Contains scripts, samples and guidance on setting up a DevOps pipeline for D365FO.
- Recurring-Integrations-Scheduler - File-based integration solution for D365FO.
- Dynamics-AX-Integration - Dynamics AX Integration samples and demos.
Repositories containing add-ins
- TRUDUtilsD365 - A set of add-ins to perform quickly common development tasks.
- D365O-Addins - A set of add-ins to perform quickly common development tasks.
- D365FONinjaDevTools - A set of add-ins to perform quickly common development tasks.
- D365FO-ExcelFinancialDimensionLookups - Works as a complement of "Add financial dimensions for OData" native add-in.
- D365FO-ReportLatestLogFile - Opens latest reporting service log file. Useful to troubleshooting report problems.
PowerShell scripts
- D365FO-Prepare-D365DevelopmentMachine - Script for preparing a development machine for D365FO by installing additional tools and configuring the operating system automatically.
- d365fo.tools - Powershell module to handle the different management tasks
- d365fo.integrations - Powershell functions for integration with D365FO.
- DynamicsAxTools - Scripts set to monitor and generate AX performance reports.
Other useful programs
- LabelFileGenerator - Generate label files for D365FO core models in specific languages.
Resources with good learn material
- Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations - Aimed to software engineers and those involved in developing solutions. This channel is NOT a Microsoft official.
- Microsoft Dynamics 365 Unified Operations - Official Microsoft D365FO playlist.
People that add great value to community and often share good hints
- Martin Dráb - Microsoft MVP.
- Joris de Gruyter - Sr software engineer Microsoft.
- Ali Adamu - Microsoft PFE team.
- José Antonio Estevan - Microsoft PFE team.
- Ievgen Miroshnikov - Microsoft MVP
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