This project is an example of a Cloud Foundry Route Service written with Spring Boot. This application does the following to each request:
- Intercepts an incoming request
- Looks for a header
containing 3 strings separated by colons (e.g. 3:10:YUMA) - Takes this data and creates a RSA 512 signed JWT token
- Adds this JWT token to the onward HTTP Request Header wuth the attribute name
- Forwards the request to the destination URL
The application is written in Java 8 and packaged as a self executable JAR file. This enables it to run anywhere that Java is available.
The following instructions assume that you have installed the cf
command line tool.
In order to automate the deployment process as much as possible, the project contains a Cloud Foundry manifest.yml. To build the JAR and deploy it to PCF run the following commands:
$ ./gradlew clean check assemble
$ cf push
Next, create a user provided service on PCF that contains the route service configuration information. To do this, run the following command, substituting the address that the route service is listening on:
$ cf create-user-provided-service test-route-service -r https://<ROUTE-SERVICE-ADDRESS>
The next step assumes that you have an application already running that you'd like to bind this route service to. To do this, run the following command, substituting the domain and hostname bound to that application:
$ cf bind-route-service <APPLICATION-DOMAIN> test-route-service --hostname <APPLICATION-HOST>
In order to view the interception of the requests, you will need to stream the logs of the route service. To do this, run the following command:
$ cf logs route-service
Finally, start making requests directly against your test (target) application which contain the HTTP header x-auth-token
with a value of "3:10:YUMA"
(or whatever 3 strings with : separators that you like). The route will intercept these requests and the route service's logs should start logging entries that contain x-auth-user
HTTP headers like this:
2018-02-20T19:31:53.25+0100 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] OUT 2018-02-20 19:31:53.259 INFO [pcf-route-service,fb2b3963d5d50b1b,7923ed92c6ab5ae9,true] 19 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] i.p.tokenservice.CatchAllController : Outgoing Request: <GET,{host=[], user-agent=[curl/7.54.0], accept=[*/*], x-auth-user=[eyJraWQiOiJmNjZlMjZiMy1mYmQwLTRjMGUtODExMy1kMGM3ZjkxMzk3OGMiLCJhbGciOiJSUzUxMiJ9.eyJzaWViZWxDdXN0b21lclJlbGF0aW9uSWQiOiIwMDAwMDAwMTExMTExMTEiLCJzb3VyY2VzIjpbIlJBU1MiLCJUQSJdLCJhdXRoVXNlcklkIjoidXNlci1pZCIsImVkb0tsaWQiOiIxMCIsImF1dGhVc2VyTGV2ZWwiOiJCRU4iLCJzaWViZWxVc2VyUmVsYXRpb25JZCI6IjAwMDAwMDAxMTExMTExMSIsImVkb0FncmVlbWVudElkIjoiMDAwMDAxMTQzIiwiZXhwIjoxNTE5MTUxNjkzLCJhdXRoVGlja2V0IjoiMjNmYWRmMjMwOWFvaWlqYXNzZWdnIiwiaWF0IjoxNTE5MTUxMzkzLCJhdXRoVXNlclR5cGUiOiJDVVNUT01FUiIsImVkb1VzZXJJZCI6IkNPT0wifQ.QsBBUtYyeEcyTqfYjqTm072dzVzDyjNza-u4ZmvUTX4BUFh1eyfVDqSY3e5swmlLtYXnwOLdwA_Zn8HavWWH5NVdghlChdZVI5Z7Pw5j6NOqx20rRl_THhtJOLeNLsUIdsgXz_fc3IS8jKMvWpL_BKPrjJQ-OlFLuLEM4Ogz90x9LEAgWMokv2ojAddxS-bSxmbEpnuTevLNvJ43Y94Xr2PCb1MfYczwJM3Y7j_Jb--dLiYnBnNQgdRlgCmzqxdUfAju-osvPLOIMQq8LkwxjC3PMDJqJZGqY9rRpV_X4Tsbpg3V2dhKuBS32TO8CUta85LLxa8ezVx9zdfJKKMVJw]}>
Unfortunately I haven't included the private key or the public JKS keys I used in this repo, but feel free to generate your own. Take a look in the code for the filenames expected. Use for guidance.
This application also demonstrates how to configure JMX so that you can monitor an app while it is running on CloudFoundry.
The process is simple but assumes that your PCF instance allows SSH. Pivotal Web Services and PCF-Dev do allow SSH.
Add an environment property to the manifest to ask the Java buildpack to make the necessary configuration changes when building the droplet. You can do this manually via the
cf cli
or by adding this setting to your app'smanifest.yml
file:env: JBP_CONFIG_JMX: '{enabled: true}'
Open an SSH tunnel to port 5000 on localhost.
cf ssh -N -T -L 5000:localhost:5000 wiretap-route-service
Start your monitoring tool. Java comes with Java Mission Control out of the box. You can start mission control with the following command:
to Java Mission Control so that it appears in the list on the left, and then connect to your app's MBeans to start to see the metrics from the server.
The project is released under version 2.0 of the Apache License.