DT Money is your favorite online wallet made with React, Vite and Chakra UI ⚛️
This project was made to approach and practice advanced React concepts like reducers and Context API to handle the global state management.
Chakra UI that builds up the entire application styles.
Used React performance functions (useCallback, useMemo, memo) to increase performance by preventing components from re-rendering unnecessarily.
to increase application performance by selecting the specific pieces of state when using hooks. -
There's an advanced React Hook that handles the integration with the Nominatim API in order to do the geolocalization feature.
An awesome integration with React Hook Form that handles the forms state management.
React ⚛️
React Hook Form ⚛️
Vite ⚡️
Chakra UI 💅
Typescript 🦕
# Fork this repository
# Clone your fork
$ git clone your-fork-url && cd dt-money
# Run the `dev:server` command to build up the fake server
$ yarn dev:server
# Start the project by running `dev` command
$ yarn dev
# Open your browser on `localhost:5173`
# Fork this repository
# Clone your fork
$ git clone your-fork-url && cd dt-money
# Create a branch with your feature or bug fix
$ git checkout -b my-branch
# Commit your changes
$ git commit -m 'my changes'
# Push your branch
$ git push origin my-branch
Delete your branch, if you want, when your pull request merge.
Made with 💜 by andrecampll .