andresrodriguez55.github.io Public
Personal blog and portfolio with administration panel, notification system and comment system.
rent-a-car-microservices Public
Implementation of microservices in a rent a car application. SOLID and GRASP patterns were given importance. Docker, Kafka, Openfeign, Keycloak, Zipkin, Lombok, Grafana, Spring Cloud & more!
wind-turbines-edge-ai Public
BACHELOR THESIS. Detect wind turbine errors using a hybrid model. Utilize ML, DL, edge computing. Dataset, neural network optimized with genetic algorithms. Low computational power ML models. Data …
simplexMethodTool Public
Row operations for simplex method
Rest API developed with Spring Boot implementing N-Tier architecture
Turkcell-GYGY-E-Commerce Public
Rest API developed with Spring Boot implementing N-Tier architecture
Turkcell-GYGY-HW1 Public
TurkeyLearningInitiative Public
Forked from ayyucedemirbas/TurkeyLearningInitiativeTLI offers educational resources for earthquake-affected communities in Turkey. Find a comprehensive curriculum and detailed course materials in this repository, covering a range of subjects. Join …
Explanation of N-Tier architecture with example code (in C#), brief explanations on SOLID principles, use of docker and Azure Devops are also given.
[Assignment given by a company for evaluation] Basic Employee Management System With React, Material UI & .Net Core, JWT Used For Authentication & Authorization. Use the username and password "demo".
fullStackChatApp Public
Applied design patterns. Built with django, flutter and mongodb. Mobile messaging application which uses a rest api and web sockets.
githubUsersDataScraper Public
Solution to task given by Apziva, not having much time available, technical details have not been entered, nor has optimal code been written.
Desktop application of the student information system of Ege University and application of solution with relational database against the announcement system of the university.
algorithmsVisualizer Public
Algorithm visualizer made with React, Material UI and P5JS.
HospitalManagementSystem Public
CRUD operations in web api designed with ASP.NET CORE Blazor and Radzen Blazor components.
InterpreterForBigAddLanguage Public
Interpreter for the BigAdd language.
newsWebAPI Public
API made with React, Firestore and Material UI.
aSimple8-BitProcessor Public
Simple microprocessor in SystemVerilog.
LinearAlgebraCalculator Public
Linear algebra calculator written in javascript, ready for use on the web.
GUI based on Gaussian elimination method.