A facial recognition based automated attendance system for Hack Reactor students and staff. automatedattendance.herokuapp.com
- Jason Chambers
- Han Zhao
- Duy Nguyen
- Andrew Alonis
Students sign in with GitHub to create an account. Administrators control enrollment, attendance scheduling and editing. Attendance is recorded when students are recognized walking through the front door. Students receive confirmation emails and late notices.
- Node 6.4.x
- etc
- etc
From within the root directory:
npm install -g bower
npm install
bower install
npm run build
npm run s
npm test
Then view code coverage by opening ~/coverage/report/index.html
- React, NodeJS, ExpressJS, MySQL
- Kairos API (facial recoginition)
- Cloudinary API (photo storage)
- Mailgun API (emails)
- OAuth API (accounts)
See CONTRIBUTING.md for contribution guidelines.