This web app allows band directors to house their entire music library digitally so they have the abilityt to track when pieces were performed throughout their career. By keeping notes on each piece as they program concerts, they create a log of import details that will help them program in the future.
This project focused on building a Sinatra API backend that uses Active Record to access and persist data to a database
The project all utilizes a separate React frontend that interacts with the database via the API. That repo can be found [HERE][]
[Fork and clone][fork link] this repository to get started. Then, run
bundle install
to install the gems.
Upon starting the application, a home page displays. You can then navigate to either your Music Library, which houses all the pieces of music you have at your disposal, or you can navigate to your Concert Archives, which houses the history of your ensemble's performances.
Organize and digitize your music library so you know what you have and can easily access all the useful information you need when programming a concert. In rehearsals or post-performance, apply notes to pieces to help you remember important details about the piece when programming it in the future.
Create an ongoing documentation of all the performances in your ensemble's history. Navigate throgh the years to see and remember who played what and when. This also helps organize to avoid repeat pieces for students so they are constantly exposed to new music.