O, GitHub, your README.md template irks me.
i imagine that in the future, more information will adorn this file.
In the meantime, i will state that I value correctness, elegance, and good documentation, that i generally use Haskell and Agda, and that if you use permissive licenses, then you can request my help. i might surprise you.
Also, i am at least somewhat active with this account. The contribution graph is just not terribly accurate; i use a nonsense e-mail address for some of my commits.
Anyone who has questions about my work is free to create an issue or send a message via XMPP to [email protected]. Also, as indicated by some of my more recent commits, i can also be reached via e-mail at [email protected].
i also go by "zungi" and "nakni" but saw no great spot for this mention.