Tags: andrewlayman/progit2
Remove redundant command (progit#1340) Remove redundant command
To untrack a tracked file there is a different command now (progit#1338) To untrack a tracked file there is a different command now
Merge pull request progit#1337 from Morganov/fix-formatting Wrap note to fix formatting accordingly to main style
Merge pull request progit#1333 from KatDwo/patch-1 Fix formatting error
Add macOS' TextEdit to core.editor list in Appendix (progit#1331) Add macOS' TextEdit to core.editor list in Appendix
Correct command formatting in core.editor appendix table (progit#1325) Correct command formatting in core.editor appendix table
Merge pull request progit#1316 from CodingSpiderFox/patch-2 Patch 2
Merge pull request progit#1317 from CodingSpiderFox/patch-3 Update import-svn.asc