- Node.js 4.2+
- Mongo 3.2+
- Redis 3.0+
- Variables
- Conditions
- Loops
- Functions
- Prototypes
- Asynchronous functions
- Block scoping
- Collections
- Classes
- Generators
- Promises
- Symbols
- Template strings
- Arrow Functions
JavaScript Style Guides (15m)
- Airbnb Coding Style
- Google JavaScript Style
- JavaScript "Standard" Style
- Crockfords’s Coding Standards
- Node.js Coding Style
- NPM "Funny" Coding Style
- Idiomatic JavaScript Coding Style
Philosophy (15m)
- Small core
- Small modules
- Small surface area
- Simplicity and pragmatism
Design Fundamentals (1h)
- Asynchronous
- Event Loop
- IO operations
- Non blocking
- V8
- libuv
Getting started (15m)
- Versions of Node.js
- Installation Node.js
- CLI commands
- First scripts
Errors Examples (15m)
- System errors
- Standard JavaScript errors
- Assertion Errors
- Custom errors
- How it works?
- Supported formats
- Order of load and resolving algorithm
- The module cache
- NPM registry
Core modules (2h)
- Console
- Process
- Timers
- Errors
- Events
- Stream
- File System
- Crypto
- Child Processes
Useful NPM modules (1h)
- Lodash
- Async / Neo-async
- WS
- MongoDB
- Redis
- Postgres
- File structure
- Deep with package.json
- Local packages
- Publish to NPM Registry
- Using in application
- Callbacks
- Error-first
- Async function in any case
- Recursive async functions
Creational Design Patterns
- Singleton
- Factory
- Abstract Factory
Structural Design Patterns
- Adapter
- Composite
- Decorator
- Facade
- Bridge
- Proxy
Behavioral Design Patterns
- Observer
The difficulties
- The callback hell
- Specific flows
- Sequential execution
- Parallel execution
- Limited parallel execution
- Pure JS functions
- Async library
- Promises
- Generators
Wiring modules (1h)
- Hardcoded dependency
- Dependency injection
- Service locator
- Dependency injection container
- Run long sync operations
- Run heavy CPU operations
- Connection to MongoDB
- Repository pattern
- ...
Testing in Node.js (3h)
- What we test?
- Cases
- Priority
- How to do your testing most effective and fast?
- Classes
- Boundary
- Test levels
- Piramida
- Approaches
- Pairwise
- Mocks
- Tools and libraries
- Mocha
- Should
- Supertest
- Sinon
- Code Coverage
- Patterns and best practices in testing
- Continuous Integration
- Conception
- Travis CI
- Continuous Delivery
- Conception
Documentation (1h)
- README Driven Development
- Reference documentation
- Unibutique Language
- Changelog
- License
- Markdown
- Micro-services
- 12 factors app
- Configuration
- Logging
- Monitoring
- Profiling
- Connection to DBs and external services
- Express
- Serving static content by Node.js
- Using Nginx as reverse proxy and server of static content
- Express
- REST API design
- REST API testing
- Micro-services overview
- Communication between services
- HTTP and Message Broker for communication
- Testing of micro-services
- What is scaling?
- Scaling Law of applications
- Methods of scaling applications
- What is performance?
- What should we measure?
- Tools for performance tests (Yandex.Tank, ab, siege)
- Analysis of the results
- Recommendations for scaling
Cache in applications
Top most common mistakes which fail performance
- Memory
- Blocking of EventLoop
- Best practices of logging
- Orchestration (Ansible)
- What is Docker?
- Create Docker image with your application
- Run your applications
- How to run own cloud in 1 click? (Docker Compose)
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