This service made to containerize the spring boot service make a clear separation of concern within the architecture with Uncle Bob Clean Architecture interpretation.
- config use this package to store any base configuration class e.g. WebSecurity, Http Configs, and so on.
- controller use this package to store any rest controller class for making request to this project.
- dto use this package to store any DTO used to transport object between layer read Uncle Bob Clean Architecture for more information on this.
- model use this package to store any DAO.
- repository use this package to create new repository interface.
- service use this package to create new service to compute every business process needed from front-end or other backend who need this service.
- util use this package to create new helper class that can be used in any class.
- Google Java Format used for code style formatting
- Sonarlint used to check code cleanness and help prevent NPE
- Resource Naming Guide used to make a clear resource naming
- SDKMAN used to help you get needed JDK or SDK with ease
open terminal cd to this project's root folder and run script below
docker-compose up
- set database config on
- run application as usual