Sample | Description |
master | The base for the rest of the branches. Uses MockWebServer |
dagger-android | A simple Dagger setup that uses dagger-android |
hilt | A simple hilt setup |
mockWebServer_https_base_hilt | A simple MockWebServer https setup |
This project is to show the practice testing on android
- Testing app on Android Google training
- Unit testing refers javaJunitExamples
- Instrumentation testing with MockWebServer
- Screenshot testing with screenshot-tests-for-android
- Improve espresso tests with Robot Pattern
1.The target reference
that from the codelab android-dagger
Code coverage with jacoco
Code scan with sonarqube
- how to integrate for gradle refers to sonarscanner-for-gradle
- To generate a report, we need to run a gradle command:
./gradlew :journeylib:jacocoTestReport sonarqube
Publish android artifact maven-publish-plugin
- Google doc Use the Maven Publish plugin
- Code gist refers to maven-publish-gradle
Code style with ktlint