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Repository to collect (some but not all) student work for General Assembly's Data Science course in DC. To contain many great things!

Initial setup

  1. Fork the primary gadsdc2 repo on GitHub
  2. git clone URL_of_your_fork: copy your fork to your local computer (automatically defines your fork as the remote origin)
  3. cd gadsdc2: change into the gadsdc2 subdirectory that was just created
  4. git remote add upstream URL_of_main_repo: define the primary gadsdc2 repo as the remote upstream

Recipe for submitting assignments

  1. git checkout master: switch to the master branch of your local repo
  2. git pull upstream master: fetch changes from the master branch of upstream, and merge those changes into your working branch (which is currently master)
  3. git checkout -b name_of_branch: create a new topic branch and switch to it
  4. Do your assignment
  5. git add . or git add name_of_file: stage file modifications, additions, and deletions
  6. git commit -m "message about commit": commit any changes that have been staged
  7. git push origin name_of_branch: push your branch (and its commits) to the origin
  8. Switch to name_of_branch on your GitHub account and submit a pull request: ask the upstream to merge your changes into its master branch

Other useful commands

  • git status: view the status of files in your repo (untracked, modified, staged)
  • git log: view the detailed commit history (type q to quit)
    • git log -1: only show the last commit (you can use any number)
    • git log --oneline: show each commit on a single line
  • git branch: view the list of local branches
  • git remote -v: view your remotes
  • Detailed reference guide


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