githot Public
GitHot is an Android App that will help you to find the world most popular project and person
lifetime-visualization Public
Forked from zshnb/lifetime-visualization人生进度表 - 可视化你的人生
TypeScript UpdatedDec 11, 2023 -
the-craft-of-selfteaching Public
Forked from selfteaching/the-craft-of-selfteachingOne has no future if one couldn't teach themself.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedMar 31, 2023 -
maizi Public
Forked from garymengcom/maiziWordPress multiPurpose flat theme
PHP UpdatedFeb 9, 2023 -
django-project-template Public template
Forked from jpadilla/django-project-templateProject template layout for Django 3.0+
Python UpdatedJul 1, 2021 -
github-markdown-css Public
Forked from sindresorhus/github-markdown-cssThe minimal amount of CSS to replicate the GitHub Markdown style
HTML MIT License UpdatedJun 8, 2021 -
mkdocs Public
Forked from mkdocs/mkdocsProject documentation with Markdown.
Python BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedApr 20, 2021 -
mkdocs-material Public
Forked from squidfunk/mkdocs-materialA Material Design theme for MkDocs
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedMar 17, 2021 -
alpine Public
Forked from alpinejs/alpineA rugged, minimal framework for composing JavaScript behavior in your markup.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJul 12, 2020 -
javascript-questions Public
Forked from lydiahallie/javascript-questionsA long list of (advanced) JavaScript questions, and their explanations ✨ Updated weekly!
1 UpdatedJun 14, 2019 -
docker_practice Public
Forked from yeasy/docker_practiceLearn and understand Docker technologies, with real DevOps practice!
Go UpdatedMay 13, 2019 -
personal-website Public
Forked from github/personal-websiteCode that'll help you kickstart a personal website that showcases your work as a software developer.
HTML MIT License UpdatedMar 11, 2019 -
AlgorithmsSedgewick Public
Forked from aistrate/AlgorithmsSedgewickCode from the book "Algorithms" (4th ed.) by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne (original, and my solutions to exercises).
Java UpdatedOct 27, 2018 -
algs4 Public
Forked from kevin-wayne/algs4Algorithms, 4th edition textbook code and libraries
Java GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJun 24, 2018 -
toolkit Public
The small tools && useful config use in the work.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 6, 2017 -
Code for the second edition Web Scraping with Python book by Packt Publications
Python UpdatedAug 13, 2017 -
weibo_terminater Public
Forked from lucasjinreal/weibo_terminaterFinal Weibo Crawler Scrap Anything From Weibo, comments, weibo contents, followers, anythings. The Terminator
Python Other UpdatedApr 18, 2017 -
markdown-to-json Public
Forked from scottstanfield/markdown-to-json🕹️ Convert YAML front-matter in Markdown files to JSON. v0.5.1 is published on NPM.
JavaScript UpdatedMar 22, 2017