k8s-deployment-strategies Public
Forked from ContainerSolutions/k8s-deployment-strategiesKubernetes deployment strategies explained
Go UpdatedNov 28, 2018 -
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Forked from anjia0532/gcr.io_mirrorall of the gcr.io docker image mirror
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finch Public
Forked from Jarlene/finchDeep Learning Models I have coded (mainly TensorFlow, sometimes PyTorch / MXNet)
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedSep 17, 2017 -
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Forked from aliyun/api-gateway-demo-sign-backend-javaJava Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 29, 2017 -
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Forked from Conchylicultor/DeepQAMy tensorflow implementation of "A neural conversational model", a Deep learning based chatbot
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Forked from jiweil/Neural-Dialogue-GenerationLua MIT License UpdatedJul 12, 2017 -
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Forked from julianser/hed-dlg-truncatedHierarchical Encoder Decoder RNN (HRED) with Truncated Backpropagation Through Time (Truncated BPTT)
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Forked from FudanNLP/nlpcc2017_news_headline_categorizationNLPCC2017示例代码以及数据描述
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Forked from microsoft/LightGBMA fast, distributed, high performance gradient boosting (GBDT, GBRT, GBM or MART) framework based on decision tree algorithms, used for ranking, classification and many other machine learning tasks…
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py-faster-rcnn Public
Forked from rbgirshick/py-faster-rcnnFaster R-CNN (Python implementation) -- see https://github.com/ShaoqingRen/faster_rcnn for the official MATLAB version
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AndroidLibSvm Public
Forked from yctung/AndroidLibSVMThe well-known libSVM on Android layered by Java Native Interface (JNI).
Makefile UpdatedSep 16, 2015 -
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Forked from takezoe/amateras-modelerUML and ER-diagram editor for Eclipse
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Forked from EZLippi/Tinyhttpdtinyhttpd 是一个不到 500 行的超轻量型 Http Server,用来学习非常不错,可以帮助我们真正理解服务器程序的本质。
C UpdatedMay 20, 2015 -
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Forked from twbs/bootstrapThe most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
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Forked from sindresorhus/notifier-for-github-browser-extensionsBrowser extension that displays your GitHub notifications unread count. Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari
UpdatedApr 2, 2015 -
SOHU-DBProxy Public
Forked from SOHUDBA/SOHU-DBProxy搜狐公司强大的数据库中间件
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eclipse-ui-theme Public
Forked from guari/eclipse-ui-themeDark UI Theme for Eclipse 4+
CSS Eclipse Public License 1.0 UpdatedJul 4, 2014