Apollo UI is the CSS framework for implementing the Apollo visual language for IMS Health web applications. HTML documentation and examples can be found at devdocs.design.imshealth.com or by running the docs locally using the instructions below.
Use Apollo UI as a dependency of your application with NPM or Bower. This gives you access to the variables, mixins and other goodies so you can make your application-specific styles consistent with the rest of the framework.
npm install [email protected] --save
bower install apollo-ui#1.3.3 --save
You can easily access the compiled CSS for Apollo from our CDN. This is the fastest way to start using Apollo styles in your project.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//cdn.ims.io/design/css/1.3.3/apollo.min.css">
Some JavaScript is required to enable the behavior of components like Dropdowns, Modals and Carousel. Include this script at the bottom of your page, after including a current version jQuery as shown below.
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="//cdn.ims.io/design/js/1.3.3/apollo.min.js"></script>
Before running documentation site locally, follow the instructions below to install the necessary dependencies.
We highly recommend installing the latest version of these dependencies using a package management tool, such as APT, YUM or Homebrew (Mac). The known good major version for each is noted below.
Mac users: OS X ships with Ruby and RubyGems pre-installed, so you should only need to install Jekyll and Node.
# Install Gulp globally
npm install --global gulp
# Install project dependencies (from package.json)
npm install
The Jekyll site as well as the other build tasks are managed by Gulp. The serve
task will build the site, then start up a development server with live reload enabled.
gulp serve
# Do all the things!
# Compile the apollo.css stylesheet
gulp apollo-styles
# Compile the docs.css stylesheet
gulp docs-styles
# Build the documentation site
gulp docs
# Run the Theo format conversions
gulp theo