Code for:
CNN-Based Semantic Change Detection in Satellite Imagery, Ananya Gupta, Elisabeth Welburn, Simon Watson & Hujun Yin, ICANN 2019
Post Disaster Mapping With Semantic Change Detection in Satellite Imagery, Ananya Gupta, Elisabeth Welburn, Simon Watson & Hujun Yin, CVPRW 2019
Our work focuses on identifying road networks and buildings in post-disaster scenarios using publicly available satellite imagery and neural networks for segmentation. We use a change detection framework to identify areas impacted by the disaster and use inspiration from graph theory to update road network data available from OpenStreetMap in the aftermath of a disaster.
Download data of interest from DigitalGlobe OpenDataInitiative
Download Labels from OpenStreetMap
Use QGis to extract any polylines marked as roads,trunk, link etc (essentially extract all road polylines) and export as geojson
Use tools provided by SpaceNet apls to generate raster files from OSM vector data
Segmentation training code based on TernausNet. Added models, updated training scripts:
This script includes the following models and backends:
- 'UNet11': UNet (VGG11),
- 'UNet16': UNet (VGG16),
- 'UNet18': UNet (ResNet18)
- 'UNet34': UNet (ResNet34)
- 'UNet11Upsample' : UNet (VGG11 with linear upsampling),
- 'UNet16Upsample' : UNet (VGG16 with linear upsampling),
- 'UNet18Upsample' : UNet (ResNet18 with linear upsampling),
- 'UNet34Upsample' : UNet (ResNet34 with linear upsampling),
- 'LinkNet18': LinkNet (ResNet18),
- 'LinkNet34': LinkNet (ResNet34)
Generate road, building, combined segmentation masks using trained models
Convert segmentation masks to graph, generates metrics and output files
Please consider citing the following if you find this work useful:
title={Deep Learning-based Aerial Image Segmentation with Open Data for Disaster Impact Assessment},
author={Gupta, Ananya and Watson, Simon and Yin, Hujun},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.05575},
title={CNN-Based Semantic Change Detection in Satellite Imagery},
author={Gupta, Ananya and Welburn, Elisabeth and Watson, Simon and Yin, Hujun},
booktitle={International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks},
title={Post Disaster Mapping With Semantic Change Detection in Satellite Imagery},
author={Gupta, Ananya and Welburn, Elisabeth and Watson, Simon and Yin, Hujun},
booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops},