This is a prototype version of a tensor network extension to the Quantum Exact Simulation Toolkit, a high performance simulator of universal quantum circuits, state-vectors and density matrices.
The goal of this extension is to reduce the memory cost of representing a many qubit system in cases where the system is not maximally entangled.
WARNING: this code is currently in early development and the API could change without warning
Copy or clone this branch of the repository to your machine. E.g. in the desired directory, enter
git clone
git checkout -t remotes/origin/blasExample
at terminal. You can then compile the library using
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
Dependencies: BLAS and Python3.4 or later.
Run the example circuit in the root directory with
python3 ./
The program will print information about your execution environment. It will then apply the same operations, first on a 2 qubit QuEST Qureg object and then on two tensors each containing one qubit.
See the TN tutorial for an introduction to the tensor network extension or the QuEST tutorial for an introduction to using QuEST.
The C API for tensor networks is in QuEST_tn.h and is extended through the python interface in
QuEST-TN is released under a MIT Licence