This package provides you with a simple tool to set up a new package and it will let you focus on the development of the package instead of the boilerplate.
Via Composer
$ composer require aniekanoffiong/todo-laravel
If you do not run Laravel 5.5 (or higher), then add the service provider in config/app.php
If you do run the package on Laravel 5.5+, package auto-discovery takes care of the magic of adding the service provider.
Afterwards, publish the migrations and views so you can customize as needed.
$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Ekanoffiong\TodoLaravel\TodoLaravelServiceProvider"
Currently, no tests have been writted but that should be very soon.
Please see for what has changed recently.
Please see for details.
- [Aniekan][]
The EU Public License. Please see for more information.