- Jaswant Chaudhary
- Anish Tiwari
- Shubham Rawat
- Advanced JavaScript
- Document Object Module(DOM)
- BookMyShow website: https://in.bookmyshow.com/explore/home/mumbai
- MDN-JavaScript Docs: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript
- MDN-CSS Docs: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/css
- MDN-HTML Docs: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/html
- NPM Docs: https://docs.npmjs.com
- MOCK-SERVER Docs: https://www.mock-server.com
- FLICKITY: https://flickity.metafizzy.co
- statrted on 25th of Oct, 2021 and completed at 9th Nov, 2021.
- It takes two weeks to accomplish this the project.
- You can watch our project presentation on the following link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mTaGQA9wtwywyXZw9Nr30RQbYi5y5MWI/view?usp=sharing
- This is a very short video of our presentation which you can watch within 3mins;
- Exact duration of presentation video: 2min 56Sec
- We have learned using npm server at grass root level
- We have learnt how to build our own private api
- We have learnt to use external icons and fonts in our projects
- We have learnt to implement the external horizontal sliding bar from flikity
- We have learnt about the advanced DOM
- We have learn how to create pop-up window
- We have learn how to create a side navbar
- We have also learnt about localStorage in javaScript
- We learnt Collaborating on GitHub and about branching and pull and push methods
- We have struggled a lot while creating our own database using json data server and npm
- We faced some issues in implementing the dynamic behaviour of the webpages.
- We have were not familiar with a few of the packages like npm install, so we learnt about it and overcame the issue
- We have created only 6 pages of the website so anyone who is interested can work upon the rest of the webpages.
- We have not activated the links in the footer, so you can work upon those too.
- The only purpose of this project was to learn the new stuffs and deploy what we were knew.
- We are not going to publish any of these pages to anywhere
- It was purely a practice of what we learnt till now
- Please do not deploy any webpage at any plateform as we don't have permission from any of the onwer
- You can use it just for personal learning purpose
- If you are an organistaion and using our project to teach your trainee please take permission from us
- Any of the creator of this project (namely: Jaswant Chaudhary, Anish Tiwari and Shubham Rawat) will not be responsible if any person from any country is misusing these webpages.
- If you are misusing it or going to publish anywhere then do it on your own risk.