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Make move types and base power match battle status
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Enhaced the battle tooltips to show more accurate information.
Move Type and Base Power are volatile and thus information is often not accurate.
This commit enhaces battle tooltips to display move type and base power changes.
When a Plate is active, it will change the type of Judgment.
When a Drive is active, it will change the type of Techno Blast.
Other items changing type and base power will reflect their changes.
Moves that have a deterministic varying base power will show the current
base power, not taking into account switches, etc.
In doubles, moves that have different base power on different targets will
show the difference.
There are annotations for special effects like Nature Power.
Display that on the move selector to help players know and remember what
attack type they're using and what power they have.

This commit also intends to make code readable, making all lines changed
span the soft limit of 90 characters.
  • Loading branch information
Joimer committed Sep 17, 2015
1 parent a1cf85a commit 72a8d60
Showing 1 changed file with 304 additions and 15 deletions.
319 changes: 304 additions & 15 deletions js/client-battle.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -425,14 +425,15 @@
if ( === 'Struggle' || === 'Recharge') pp = '–';
if ( === 'Recharge') move.type = '–';
if (name.substr(0, 12) === 'Hidden Power') name = 'Hidden Power';
var moveType = this.getMoveType(move, switchables[pos]);
if (moveData.disabled) {
movebuttons += '<button disabled="disabled"' + this.tooltipAttrs(moveData.move, 'move') + '>';
hasDisabled = true;
} else {
movebuttons += '<button class="type-' + move.type + '" name="chooseMove" value="' + (i + 1) + '" data-move="' + Tools.escapeHTML(moveData.move) + '"' + this.tooltipAttrs(moveData.move, 'move') + '>';
movebuttons += '<button class="type-' + moveType + '" name="chooseMove" value="' + (i + 1) + '" data-move="' + Tools.escapeHTML(moveData.move) + '"' + this.tooltipAttrs(moveData.move, 'move') + '>';
hasMoves = true;
movebuttons += name + '<br /><small class="type">' + (move.type || "Unknown") + '</small> <small class="pp">' + pp + '</small>&nbsp;</button> ';
movebuttons += name + '<br /><small class="type">' + (moveType || "Unknown") + '</small> <small class="pp">' + pp + '</small>&nbsp;</button> ';
if (!hasMoves) {
controls += '<button class="movebutton" name="chooseMove" value="0" data-move="Struggle">Struggle<br /><small class="type">Normal</small> <small class="pp">&ndash;</small>&nbsp;</button> ';
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -952,13 +953,70 @@
var move = Tools.getMove(thing);
if (!move) return;
var basePower = move.basePower;
if (!basePower) basePower = '&mdash;';
var basePowerText = '';
var additionalInfo = '';
var yourActive =;
var myPokemon = this.battle.mySide.pokemon;

// Check if there are more than one active Pokémon to check for multiple possible BPs.
if (yourActive.length > 1) {
// We check if there is a difference in base powers to note it.
// Otherwise, it is just shown as in singles.
// The trick is that we need to calculate it first for each Pokémon to see if it changes.
var previousBasepower = false;
var difference = false;
var basePowers = [];
for (var i = 0; i < yourActive.length; i++) {
basePower = this.getMoveBasePower(move,[this.choice.choices.length], yourActive[i]);
if (previousBasepower === false) previousBasepower = basePower;
if (previousBasepower !== basePower) difference = true;
if (!basePower) basePower = '&mdash;';
basePowers.push('Base power for ' + yourActive[i].name + ': ' + basePower);
if (difference) {
basePowerText = '<p>' + basePowers.join('<br />') + '</p>';
// Falls through to not to repeat code on showing the base power.
if (!basePowerText) {
basePower = basePower || this.getMoveBasePower(move, myPokemon[this.choice.choices.length], yourActive[0]);
if (!basePower) basePower = '&mdash;';
basePowerText = '<p>Base power: ' + basePower + '</p>'
var accuracy = move.accuracy;
if (!accuracy || accuracy === true) accuracy = '&mdash;';
else accuracy = '' + accuracy + '%';

// Handle move type for moves that vary their type.
var moveType = this.getMoveType(move, myPokemon[this.choice.choices.length]);

// Deal with Nature Power special case, indicating which move it calls.
if ( === 'naturepower') {
if (this.battle.gen === 6) {
additionalInfo = 'Calls ';
if (this.battle.hasPseudoWeather('Electric Terrain')) {
additionalInfo += Tools.getTypeIcon('Electric') + 'Thunderbolt';
} else if (this.battle.hasPseudoWeather('Grassy Terrain')) {
additionalInfo += Tools.getTypeIcon('Grass') + 'Energy Ball';
} else if (this.battle.hasPseudoWeather('Misty Terrain')) {
additionalInfo += Tools.getTypeIcon('Fairy') + 'Moonblast';
} else {
additionalInfo += Tools.getTypeIcon('Normal') + 'Tri Attack';
} else if (this.battle.gen > 3) {
// In gens 4 and 5 it calls Earthquake.
additionalInfo = 'Calls ' + Tools.getTypeIcon('Ground') + 'Earthquake';
} else {
// In gen 3 it calls Swift, so it retains its normal typing.
additionalInfo = 'Calls ' + Tools.getTypeIcon('Normal') + 'Swift';

text = '<div class="tooltipinner"><div class="tooltip">';
text += '<h2>' + + '<br />' + Tools.getTypeIcon(move.type) + ' <img src="' + Tools.resourcePrefix + 'sprites/categories/' + move.category + '.png" alt="' + move.category + '" /></h2>';
text += '<p>Base power: ' + basePower + '</p>';
text += '<h2>' + + '<br />' + Tools.getTypeIcon(moveType) + ' <img src="' + Tools.resourcePrefix;
text += 'sprites/categories/' + move.category + '.png" alt="' + move.category + '" /></h2>';
text += basePowerText;
text += additionalInfo;
text += '<p>Accuracy: ' + accuracy + '</p>';
var flags = {
"authentic": "Ignores a target's substitute.",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1096,16 +1154,7 @@
text += pokemon.stats['spe'] + '&nbsp;Spe</p>';
} else if (template.baseStats) {
var minSpe;
var maxSpe;
if (this.battle.tier === 'Random Battle') {
minSpe = Math.floor(Math.floor(2 * template.baseStats['spe'] + (0) + Math.floor((0) / 4)) * pokemon.level / 100 + 5);
maxSpe = Math.floor(Math.floor(2 * template.baseStats['spe'] + (31) + Math.floor((85) / 4)) * pokemon.level / 100 + 5);
} else {
minSpe = Math.floor(Math.floor(Math.floor(2 * template.baseStats['spe'] + (0) + Math.floor((0) / 4)) * pokemon.level / 100 + 5) * 0.9);
maxSpe = Math.floor(Math.floor(Math.floor(2 * template.baseStats['spe'] + (31) + Math.floor((252) / 4)) * pokemon.level / 100 + 5) * 1.1);
text += '<p>' + minSpe + ' to ' + maxSpe + ' Spe (before items/abilities/modifiers)</p>';
text += '<p>' + this.getTemplateMinSpeed(template, pokemon.level) + ' to ' + this.getTemplateMaxSpeed(template, pokemon.level) + ' Spe (before items/abilities/modifiers)</p>';
if (pokemon.moves && pokemon.moves.length && (!isActive || isActive === 'foe')) {
text += '<p class="section">';
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1150,6 +1199,246 @@
hideTooltip: function () {
// Functions to calculate speed ranges of an opponent.
getTemplateMinSpeed: function (template, level) {
var nature = (this.battle.gen < 3 || this.battle.tier === 'Random Battle') ? 1 : 0.9;
return Math.floor(Math.floor(2 * template.baseStats['spe'] * level / 100 + 5) * nature);
getTemplateMaxSpeed: function (template, level) {
var nature = (this.battle.gen < 3 || this.battle.tier === 'Random Battle') ? 1 : 1.1;
var maxIvs = (this.battle.gen > 2) ? 31 : 30;
return Math.floor(Math.floor(Math.floor(2 * template.baseStats['spe'] + maxIvs + 63) * level / 100 + 5) * nature);
// Gets the proper current type for moves with a variable type.
getMoveType: function(move, pokemon) {
var moveType = move.type;
// Normalize is the first move type changing effect.
if (pokemon.ability === 'Normalize') {
moveType = 'Normal';
// Moves that require an item to change their type.
if (!this.battle.hasPseudoWeather('Magic Room') && (!pokemon.volatiles || !pokemon.volatiles['embargo'])) {
if ( === 'judgment') {
var item = Tools.getItem(pokemon.item);
if (item.onPlate) moveType = item.onPlate;
if ( === 'technoblast') {
var item = Tools.getItem(pokemon.item);
if (item.onDrive) moveType = item.onDrive;
if ( === 'naturalgift') {
var item = Tools.getItem(pokemon.item);
if (item.naturalGift) moveType = item.naturalGift.type;
// Weather and pseudo-weather type changes.
if ( === 'weatherball' && {
// Check if you have an anti weather ability to skip this.
var noWeatherAbility = !!(pokemon.ability in {'Air Lock': 1, 'Cloud Nine': 1});
// If you don't, check if the opponent has it afterwards.
if (!noWeatherAbility) {
for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
if ([i].ability &&[i].ability in {'Air Lock': 1, 'Cloud Nine': 1}) {
noWeatherAbility = true;

// If the weather is indeed active, check it to see what move type weatherball gets.
if (!noWeatherAbility) {
if ( === 'sunnyday' || === 'desolateland') moveType = 'Fire';
if ( === 'raindance' || === 'primordialsea') moveType = 'Water';
if ( === 'sandstorm') moveType = 'Rock';
if ( === 'hail') moveType = 'Ice';
// Other abilities that change the move type.
if (moveType === 'Normal' && !== 'naturalgift') {
if (pokemon.ability === 'Aerilate') moveType = 'Flying';
if (pokemon.ability === 'Pixilate') moveType = 'Fairy';
if (pokemon.ability === 'Refrigerate') moveType = 'Ice';
return moveType;
// Gets the proper current base power for moves which have a variable base power.
// Takes into account the target for some moves.
// If it is unsure of the actual base power, it gives an estimate.
getMoveBasePower: function(move, pokemon, target) {
var basePower = move.basePower;
var basePowerComment = '';
var thereIsWeather = ( in {'sunnyday': 1, 'desolateland': 1, 'raindance': 1, 'primordialsea': 1, 'sandstorm': 1, 'hail':1});
if ( === 'acrobatics') {
if (!pokemon.item) {
basePower *= 2;
basePowerComment = ' (Boosted by lack of item)';
if ( === 'crushgrip' || === 'wringout') {
basePower = Math.floor(Math.floor((120 * (100 * Math.floor(target.hp * 4096 / target.maxhp)) + 2048 - 1) / 4096) / 100) || 1;
basePowerComment = ' (Approximation)';
if ( === 'eruption' || === 'waterspout') {
basePower = Math.floor(150 * pokemon.hp / pokemon.maxhp) || 1;
if ( === 'flail' || === 'reversal') {
if (this.battle.gen > 4) {
var multiplier = 48;
var ratios = [2, 5, 10, 17, 33];
} else {
var multiplier = 64;
var ratios = [2, 6, 13, 22, 43];
var ratio = pokemon.hp * multiplier / pokemon.maxhp;
if (ratio < ratios[0]) basePower = 200;
else if (ratio < ratios[1]) basePower = 150;
else if (ratio < ratios[2]) basePower = 100;
else if (ratio < ratios[3]) basePower = 80;
else if (ratio < ratios[4]) basePower = 40;
else basePower = 20;
if ( === 'hex' && target.status) {
basePower *= 2;
basePowerComment = ' (Boosted by status)';
if ( === 'punishment') {
var boosts = Object.keys(target.boosts);
var multiply = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < boosts.length; i++) {
if (target.boosts[boosts[i]] && target.boosts[boosts[i]] > 0) multiply++;
basePower = 60 + 20 * multiply;
if ( === 'smellingsalts') {
if (target.status === 'par') {
basePower *= 2;
basePowerComment = ' (Boosted by status)';
if ( === 'storedpower') {
var boosts = Object.keys(pokemon.boosts);
var multiply = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < boosts.length; i++) {
if (pokemon.boosts[boosts[i]] && pokemon.boosts[boosts[i]] > 0) multiply++;
basePower = 20 + 20 * multiply;
if ( === 'trumpcard') {
basePower = 40;
if (move.pp === 1) basePower = 200;
else if (move.pp === 2) basePower = 80;
else if (move.pp === 3) basePower = 60;
else if (move.pp === 4) basePower = 50;
if ( === 'venoshock') {
if (target.status === 'psn' || target.status === 'tox') {
basePower *= 2;
basePowerComment =' (Boosted by status)';
if ( === 'wakeupslap') {
if (target.status === 'slp') {
basePower *= 2;
basePowerComment = ' (Boosted by status)';
if ( === 'weatherball' && thereIsWeather) {
basePower = 100;
// Moves that check opponent speed.
if ( === 'electroball') {
var template = target;
var min = 0;
var max = 0;
if (target.volatiles && target.volatiles.formechange) template = Tools.getTemplate(target.volatiles.formechange[2]);
var minRatio = (pokemon.stats.spe / this.getTemplateMinSpeed(template, target.level));
var maxRatio = (pokemon.stats.spe / this.getTemplateMaxSpeed(template, target.level));
if (minRatio >= 4) min = 150;
else if (minRatio >= 3) min = 120;
else if (minRatio >= 2) min = 80;
else if (minRatio >= 1) min = 60;
else min = 40;
if (maxRatio >= 4) max = 150;
else if (maxRatio >= 3) max = 120;
else if (maxRatio >= 2) max = 80;
else if (maxRatio >= 1) max = 60;
else max = 40;
// Special case due to being a range. Other moves are checked by technician below.
basePower = 0;
if (pokemon.ability === 'technician') {
if (min <= 60) min *= 1.5;
if (max <= 60) max *= 1.5;
basePowerComment = '' + ((min === max) ? max : min + ' to ' + max) + ' (Technician boosted)';
} else {
basePowerComment = (min === max) ? max : min + ' to ' + max;
if ( === 'gyroball') {
var template = target;
if (target.volatiles && target.volatiles.formechange) template = Tools.getTemplate(target.volatiles.formechange[2]);
var min = (Math.floor(25 * this.getTemplateMinSpeed(template, target.level) / pokemon.stats.spe) || 1);
var max = (Math.floor(25 * this.getTemplateMaxSpeed(template, target.level) / pokemon.stats.spe) || 1);
if (min > 150) min = 150;
if (max > 150) max = 150;
// Special case due to range as well.
basePower = 0;
if (pokemon.ability === 'technician') {
if (min <= 60) min *= 1.5;
if (max <= 60) max = Math.max(max * 1.5, 90);
basePowerComment = '' + ((min === max) ? max : min + ' to ' + max) + ' (Technician boosted)';
} else {
basePowerComment = (min === max) ? max : min + ' to ' + max;
// Movements which have base power changed due to items.
if (pokemon.item && !this.battle.hasPseudoWeather('Magic Room') && (!pokemon.volatiles || !pokemon.volatiles['embargo'])) {
if ( === 'fling') {
var item = Tools.getItem(pokemon.item);
if (item.fling) basePower = item.fling.basePower;
if ( === 'naturalgift') {
var item = Tools.getItem(pokemon.item);
if (item.naturalGift) basePower = item.naturalGift.basePower;
// Movements which have base power changed according to weight.
if (target.weightkg) {
var targetWeight = target.weightkg;
var pokemonWeight = pokemon.weightkg;
// Autotomize cannot be really known on client, so we calculate it's one charge.
if (target.volatiles && target.volatiles.autotomize) targetWeight -= 100;
if (targetWeight < 0.1) targetWeight = 0.1;
if ( === 'lowkick' || === 'grassknot') {
basePower = 20;
if (targetWeight >= 200) basePower = 120;
else if (targetWeight >= 100) basePower = 100;
else if (targetWeight >= 50) basePower = 80;
else if (targetWeight >= 25) basePower = 60;
else if (targetWeight >= 10) basePower = 40;
if (target.volatiles && target.volatiles.autotomize) basePowerComment = ' (Approximation)';
if ( === 'heavyslam' || === 'heatcrash') {
basePower = 40;
if (pokemonWeight > targetWeight * 5) basePower = 120;
else if (pokemonWeight > targetWeight * 4) basePower = 100;
else if (pokemonWeight > targetWeight * 3) basePower = 80;
else if (pokemonWeight > targetWeight * 2) basePower = 60;
if (target.volatiles && target.volatiles.autotomize) basePowerComment = ' (Approximation)';
// Other ability boosts.
if (pokemon.ability === 'technician' && basePower <= 60) {
basePower *= 1.5;
basePowerComment = ' (Technician boosted)';
if (move.type === 'Normal' && !== 'naturalgift' && (!thereIsWeather || thereIsWeather && !== 'weatherball')) {
if (pokemon.ability in {'Aerilate': 1, 'Pixilate': 1, 'Refrigerate': 1}) {
basePower = Math.floor(basePower * 1.3);
basePowerComment = ' (' + pokemon.ability + ' boosted)';
return (basePower > 0) ? basePower + basePowerComment : basePowerComment;

Expand Down

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