yarn global add hardhat-shorthand
- PROVIDER_URL: Alchemy or any other Provider endpoint (Default: Rinkeby)
- PRIVATE_KEY: Private key for the deployer account
yarn deploy
(Default network: Rinkeby Ethereum Testnet)
- https://testnets.opensea.io/collection/vikings-v4
- https://rinkeby.rarible.com/collection/0xc5ADafB624076060F5dB83a4261d7d9349AA2067
yarn build
yarn start
Start playing with your new NFT Viking character
- 📦 Hardhat - Ethereum development environment for professionals
- 🦾 TypeChain Hardhat plugin - Automatically generate TypeScript bindings for smartcontracts while using Hardhat.
- 🎨 OpenZeppelin - standard for secure blockchain applications
👤 Ankur Daharwal
- Website: https://https://ankurdaharwal.wixsite.com/blockchain/
- Twitter: @An1cu12
- Github: @ankurdaharwal
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