PacMan has been designed originally as an antidote to the games with violent themes. This game is very simple yet alluring to be used for educational purposes. Pacman eats dots in a maze to score points. It avoids the ghosts to be alive in the game. In return it increase the cumulative score.
We have utilized this simple game to understand the complex concepts of Quantum Mechanics.
Steps: QuPAC
- Setup:
- Draw the maze : This function sets the background of the screen for starting the game
- Draw PacMan : We need to set a starting position and direction for PacMan.
- Move PacMan
- Increase the score : When Pac-Man moves over a dot, the score increases by one, and the dot is removed.
- Add the ghosts : First, we need to add the starting positions of our ghosts.
This is the repository for the IQuHACK 2022 project.