- Roorkee
- https://anniesaxena.github.io/PortfolioAnnie/
Task-Manager-Web-App Public
A Task Manager web Application made by using MERN Stack which can add , delete and update the completion of tasks under specific categories. This Application uses Mongoose ODM for MongoDB and node.β¦
Realestatepredictor Public
Predicts the Bengaluru House Prices using linear regression. Deployed using Flask on Heroku
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedOct 25, 2021 -
An app to predict whether a customer is likely to leave the bank or not using 7 different ML algorithms.
Python UpdatedOct 17, 2021 -
Frontend Public
Forked from sumit2001/FrontendContributing to open source can be a rewarding way to learn, teach, and build experience.
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 28, 2021 -
BlogSite Public
Forked from ALPHAVIO/WordNookDynamically updating Blog-Site to upload blogs on various topics, developed using ejs template engine and node js in the backend.
EJS MIT License UpdatedApr 27, 2021 -
Backend Public
Forked from ankitvashisht12/BackendContributing to open source can be a rewarding way to learn, teach, and build experience.
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 22, 2021 -
NeoAlgo Public
Forked from HarshCasper/NeoAlgoBringing all Data Structures and Algorithms under one Roof β‘
C++ MIT License UpdatedApr 22, 2021 -
doc2pen Public
Forked from smaranjitghose/doc2penAn open source project aimed at making your student life easier!
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedApr 3, 2021 -
Data_Structures_and_Algorithms.github.io Public
Forked from Ritika-Das/Data_Structures_and_Algorithms.github.ioA collection of Data Structures and Algorithms in languages like C, C++, Java, Python etc.
Python UpdatedSep 30, 2020 -
FriendsBook Public
A clone of Facebook with realtime messaging functionality. It is hosted on Firebase and Uses Firestore as the cloud Database. Cherry on top - It is made responsive.It also uses Google authenticatioβ¦
JavaScript UpdatedAug 30, 2020 -
msk-components Public
Forked from Abhirup-99/msk-componentsA Library of all the components for MSK Documents
JavaScript UpdatedJul 26, 2020 -
My-Django-Blog Public
Made a simple Blog website by using Django. It is a blog website for the admin. Only admin can handle the creation , updation and deletion of blogs, rest people can only read.
Python UpdatedJul 10, 2020 -
Annie-sRecipeSearcher Public
A recipe search engine which suggests the recipe to make by making the user enter the ingredients available with them. It uses the concept of RESTful API and sends a request to a third party API toβ¦
JavaScript UpdatedJul 8, 2020 -
MeditateNow Public
Meditate Now website is a responsive web app made from scratch by using only JavaScript, HTML and CSS. It gives the user a peaceful experience where the user can choose soothing background sound whβ¦