Hey, it's a game that I created for 21st birthday of a very special person. You are welcome to use it as well. Follow this link to play, and I hope you enjoy :)
The bot is deployed with Heroku service, therefore in case of long inactivity, the bot might take longer time to respond. In case it doesn't respond at all, you can contact me :)
It's a telegram based game that generated a deck of cards and lets you draw from it. Every card has a description, and in case it's unclear you can read the rules provided in the bot. Below you can see some of the cards.
To create the cards, I used Figma which I never used before, so the cards are not perfect and I'm okay with it
go to bot.py and comment 4 lines at the end (yeah not very developer-friendly but i was lazy) to not create a webhook
run this in your terminal:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ env TOKEN=<your_token> python bot.py
If you have interesting ideas, don't hesitate to open an issue :)