GRPCShortener is a link shortener that can take a long url as input and convert it to a short one.
And this service can take a short url as input and convert it to a long one, if it is in the database.
The project is built on the base of gRPC framework, use PostgreSQL and include gRPC server, gRPC client and goose (for initial migration) in docker cintainers.
Docker version 19.03.5, build 633a0ea838
docker-compose version 1.25.3, build d4d1b42b
All docker containers based on golang:1.16-alpine
Database: psql (PostgreSQL) 11.12 (Debian 11.12-0+deb10u1)
For migrations:
For get env args:
Before install grpcshotener you need install postgreSQL and **create password for default user postgresql if not exists:
user:~$ sudo -i -u postgres
postgres@user:~$ psql
postgres=# ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD 'mynewpassword';
And then add this credentials to ./configs/app.env
You can create user/password and database for it, for example:
postgres=> create user test with password 'testpass' createdb;
postgres=> create database test;
And then add this credentials to ./configs/app.env
user:~$ git clone
user:~$ cd grpcshortener
user:~$ docker build . -t=shorter_client -f=Dockerfile_client
user:~$ docker-compose up --build
There are 2 docker containers in docker-compose.yml (shortener_server and goose). Server starts on the port 50051 by default (you can change it in ./configs/app.env) Then goose makes migration (create table urls in your database).
After 2 docker containers were up you can run client with args:
user:~$ docker run --net=host shorter_client create
2021/09/08 12:50:59 localhost/gvahJggOzY
user:~$ docker run --net=host shorter_client get gvahJggOzY
2021/09/08 12:51:08
If long url doesn't exist in database - return "Didn't find anything."
user:~$ docker run --net=host shorter_client get aaaaaa
2021/09/08 13:09:14 Didn't find anything.
If you write only get/create without url or nothing, docker will return help:
user:~$ docker run --net=host shorter_client get
2021/09/08 13:10:11 Need type 'get <short URL>' or 'create <long URL>'