GUI2020 using electron app to render react.js framework.
curl -o- | bash
to install nvm from curl repository
nvm install v10.16.3
to install specific version of node
nvm --version &&node -v && npm -v
to check versions
npm install -g yarn
to install yarn
git clone {paste the url for git clone}
git add .
to update all the changes to repo to the index file
git commit -m "{any message}"
to commit the changes to local repo
git push {branch name}
to push the local repo to github repo
export ROS_MASTER_URI= IP):11311
export ROS_IP= PC IP)
roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket.launch
to launch rosbridge at port 9090
yarn install
will install node_modules and other dependencies in package.json.
yarn start
will start the Electron app and the React app at the same time.
If the number of watchers increase then use this command
echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p
if bootstrap is not installed as a node_module
yarn add bootstrap
will add bootstrap to node_modules
enter into catkin-ws
export ROS_MASTER_URI=tegra-ubuntu:11311
export ROS_IP= PC IP)
rosrun gpsd_client gpsd_client _host:=localhost _port:=2947
run the gpsd client on tcp to obtain values from daemon and send it to the subscriber(GUI)
if is missing
sudo apt -y install libgconf2-4
##do not commit to master